Please just give us the "avoid player" function back

This season has been intolerable. I used to play around three to four games in an evening session, but now I quit after one or two because I can’t stand some of the players and trolls in these games. Tonight I’m done after one game.

It’s very clear that reporting them does nothing, so I wish players could set other players to be avoided in matchmaking again. I don’t care if this would increase my queue times, and I certainly don’t care that these kind of people could potentially be avoided into nothingness.


I do not even log in anymore. Reporting has 0 effect, trolls are out of control cause of no punishment in place and I just will not play this game until they actually fix this problem.

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I feeel ur pain. Me and my brother had same troll in game 4 I’m row and even took a break . He just went leroic and left body in enemy base and wrote his speech every match saying I’m dead like blizzard . Went down a lll rank in 30mins when it took me 3h of grinding


Happens to me all the time. I played all night and went from s4 to s2, then some nerd came in acting like he was on drugs, stayed in base and only came out to AA minions so he didn’t D/C. Got him 2 games in a row with a break in between. Then the next game I played was a 5 man with a plat 3 kid and a gold 2 kid against random silvers, lol. I think i’m just going to take a break from this piece of trash for a while until they fix some stuff. (IF they fix some stuff)

It was never implemented in the first place, but yes would surely give/transfer some control from the “central hub” to the players themselves


Wasn’t implemented as a feature but early on at least in the pre-season I used it to my advantage. If you blocked players you wouldn’t be placed in games with them. I do not remember how long it took them to change this, but it definitely did exist at the launch of HoTs. Now if you block a player, they can be put in a match with you on your team, its stupid. For ranked I would understand having this, but in Quick Match if I block a player, keep him out of my games.

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nice logic man. mb and qm lets ruin but in brawl !!! it must be ?

qm and brawl is sposed to be for fun, practice or whatever. Ranked should take priority over this.

The game never had an avoid system. Not even in beta testing. Maybe you confused with Overwatch.

But I don’t see how a 1 game block could hurt matchmaking. There are a ton of trolls out there right now ruining matches.

Instead of waiting them to enter the next match or log out, let us avoid them for at least a single game so other people get to report them as well.
Nothing worse than playing with the same tower suicider 2 times in a row.

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Avoid system does not work. Look at how it failed in Overwatch.

This game is sh*t. 20 chars

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I feel they are making worse with each season. Matchmaking and ranking in this game is so bad right now, Not saying it was good before but it was better than we have currently.


It did have an avoid system, you just didn’t know about it, and nobody talked about it. It was just understood that very early on in this games life if you blocked a person, they would not show up in your matches. I Tested in the pre-season and it did indeed work, I played a ton of ranked that season. Worked like a charm. Just because you yourself didn’t experience something. doesn’t mean that it did not take place. If you read my post all the way through the first sentence, you would have seen that I said it wasn’t a system they implemented. It was simply something that existed and not talked about.

It’s funny, for me the Alpha, beta, and Pre-season were the best times when it came to Matchmaking. It’s been a wild crazy ride since then, the decisions they have made have slowly but surely caused people to move on to other mobas.

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This game just had more players at launch and you think blocking them made them go away.

There was never an avoid in hots

Completely false. This was discussed at great length during the early days of hots, from loads of people wishing this was a thing… but it never was.