Please issue bans to players ruining games

Lately, 60% of the games I play have one player that ruins the entire game. They sit in the nexus afk, never connect. If they connect they go to a fort and just stand there.

Or its these players that “deem” the game unwinnable by their own standards and just run around on their mount when it is quite literally 2.5 minutes into the game. I just played a game where that just happened. That was 8 minutes and 42 seconds waste of my life. The guy was choosing to spoil the game for every 9 other players.

You got patch notes. Start banning these bots/toxic players.


Yeah, I told Blizzard I will work for free and ban these players… HA

I literally just had a game where Jaina just laned all game, when an enemy approached her, she would just fight on the spot, die, rinse and repeat…

Give me the effing power just to perma-ban these people…

60% so luck,y me 98% of game with troll. I just finish a game with heal two time less heal than me with ETC

all game someone troll suicide or afk all time, 10 death in 16 min is just a normal game

and again he back he take lucio and afk he talk so is not a bot but just troll nice “mcnulty”

again heal suicide afk bot i imagine every game

not every just 98% watch my game if you don’t believe me all time one do something so stupid or bad like don’t come for fight and when it lose he come and suicide 1v5, almost EVERY game I have someone like that.

I can post more here wtf?! I must edit all post

nope, not ‘every game’ and it’d probably do you better to consider holding in the hyperbole as exaggerations don’t actually make the ‘real’ data any less compelling.

That is to say, that if people working on the game were to so do, they can see the frequency of these sort of things without relying on forum hearesay.

well what a coincidence, 60% of my games there is always 1, 2, 3 or even 4 players feeding all the way down enemy team, people fighting 1v2 or even 1v3 dying, tanking forst and turrents then dying instantly… people not even soaking because they are to busy feeding and dying 3 times in the first 3 minutes of the game making all the team being 2-3 levels down deeming the game unwinnable… i bet people wasted those 8 mins dying over and over thinking the more they die the better chances they have to win… i rather go afk than playign with feeders and inters…

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They will never lift a finger.
I have reported this stuff for several years, made semiflagrant posts forcing them to at least look at the post, continued to make them more flagrant, and made one so flagrant that the account got banned for a 1000 years. This is not a joke.
Guess what.
The same player was there every time I have played since.
Just take it from one that has literally knowingly sacked an account just to make them see how what one is willing to go to for them to do anything.

All they did was to spit in my face and laugh.

I’d like to think that at some point you realize there is a difference in people who moderate the forum, and those that moderate the game.

Given that you’ve been making the same flagrant error for years, and essentially demonstrate that you’re effectively illiterate with your non-participation in these complaints… I’d like to think that for someone who brags how educated that you are, than you actually have learned how to learn so that you’re not fixating on self-imposed delusions and bad-faith assertions, or ya know, take to heart the actual consequences of what you claim to influence your actions.

If they will ‘never’ raise a finger to change the problem, then why would you come around, for years, on end doing the same things over and over and over.

Your posting experiences seems to think that your capacity to demonstrate that you getting an account banned, only to make another one with the same name, is somehow not indicative that any person with whatever violation you’re complaining about in-game can’t be remedied by them doing the same.

For what lack of proof you bother to put into your complaints – and claiming otherwise – it seems that the most available thing to do has the least amount of impact on you processing your own complaints.

That’s the magic of complaints, they’re easy to do, so they tend to accomplish very little. People don’t need to notice much to fixate on a complaint, so they’re not going to bother to observe the things that don’t suit their tl;dr.

May I ask you what level your account is? The reason I ask, is that I have a veteran account (2800ish) and a newish alt account that I only play QM on with some friends who are new to Hots.

When I play QM on my main (solo), it is rare for me to encounter a high number of players who deliberately AFK or display other forms of antisocial behavior. However, when I play on my alt (level 200ish) it is quite common for me to encounter the kind of disruptive player behavior you describe in your post. When it comes to ARAM, if I’m playing solo, I encounter trolling players with around the same frequency on both accounts, due to the very limited MM in ARAM, and that fact that many smurfs use ARAM to boost their accounts.

Aside from bad luck, if you are playing on a veteran account, you might be playing on one of the more underpopulated servers (such as Brazil/ANZ/SG) or playing during quiet hours, where you’re more likely to be matched with “new” players, due to a lack of players to match. These new players often aren’t new, and have created accounts to troll with, or as throwaways.

I’m sure it’s already been said, but the best method to avoid troll players is to group with as many friends as you can find. I will concede that’s easier said than done these days, as fewer of my friends play Hots on a regular basis. Furthermore, I’m certain if you asked people here, they would group with you, or point you to some Hots Discord communities you may want to join.

Best of luck out there.

I didn’t wake up under a rock.
The simple fact is that reports of AFKs have never done a damn thing in game and you know it. Yet, if you tell these people what they are for doing so, you will get banned.
There have been several times over the years where others purposefully, broke ToS rules to bring attention to specific players in order to bring attention them. At times it has worked.
And the simple fact is that if there is an egregious player, that should be dealt with that has not, and our only resort is to come here in an attempt for the forum moderator team to bring it to the attention of those that handle the core game, then yes. you are damn right I will do so.
To do otherwise is capitulation, and rewards those that make 100s and 100s of people experience beyond miserable.
It is stupid to the nth degree that you are still standing up for a company that perpetually makes 9 people suffer ad infinitum for 1 individual’s behavior. This mentality is where the toxicity in these games comes from. Not the boohoo mummy he called me a name.
The fact that you still throw the same excuses for them is welll beyond pathetic.

It sure seems like it.

You’re asserting false positives, dejecting actual evidence of when things happen, and then trying to blame me in the aftermath.

My pointing out the contradiction in your claim and conduct doesn’t ‘make excuses for them’, that’s a bad reading on your part because you’re just looking for something to blame.

Breaking rules to try to highlight a specific violator does not get them in trouble; some flagrant abusers get several forms of exposure which then leads to enough actual reports to get action taken… and then they just make another account and aren’t troubled by it much the same way that your ban didn’t stop you.

So the is a direct issue with how you are processing it: how you’re faulting me, and then asserting that it’s the other people that are ‘stupid’ when they point out you’re drawing the wrong conclusion from what little data you actual process in this. This is especially more so to the point as you seem only capable of processing two outcomes out of this: people ‘defending’ the company, and people being like you. Ignorant people cast things as only two options, reject anything that doesn’t agree with them, and refuse to learn.

It’s not two polarized actions in this, and your resorting to the assumption – at the rejection of what people actually post – is why I continue to say that you are effectively illiterate.

Pointing out incorrect assumptions and bad actions to try to rationalize incorrect behaviors isn’t an ‘excuse’ for blizzard, it’s a standard grievance that effects every day life. It’s much the same mindset that gets anti-social people to justify their ruining games – the thing you’re against – or how people rationalize trying to drive highway strategies in residential areas.

Civil Disobedience had a function in showing errors with governing laws; bad imitations of it do not get the traction people think it does online, but they’re too busy patting themselves on the back to bother to notice.

There have been outright blues that said people over report the wrong things, and don’t report the correct things. They convince themselves the system doesn’t work, then they don’t use it, and are then upset that it’s not working.

Circular reasoning with bad-faith arguments is about as “under a rock” as a it gets for people that brag about their intellectual accomplishments, but then don’t ever show anything substantial to support those efforts. People that have a hard time understanding valid evidence tend to also draw erroneous conclusions.

Case and example?

Your conduct.

I have no idea what this thread started as, oh, bans for troll players. If players (on both teams) all reported players who are deliberately AFK or Int’ing, then more of these players would eventually be banned.

In my experience, most players say in chat, they are reporting these players for “abusive chat” as they say “it’s the only report that works”, so it’s not a surprise players grief games without fear of punishment if they have their chat disabled. Smurf accounts, which are treated as “new players”, complicate matters, as it’s not always obvious if someone is dying too often because they are new, or a smurf who is deliberately trolling.

Before someone mentions it, naturally Blizzard should be taking more of a direct hand in policing disruptive players, but if they didn’t do so when Hots was fully supported, it’s very unlikely they will allocate resources to this issue now Hots is shelved.

Since no one knows how many reports it actually takes to flag an account I would say its obviously not many that actually reports people like this or they would been banned long time ago.

Some people probably dont care to report and just let them do thier stuff. Then it takes even longer to get one banned when its only 1-2 that reports him.

Meanwhile in WoW if you have 40 people report you all at once you will get banned for a week within 5 min. This have been tested and confermed by alot of streamers.

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I’ve lost track of how often someone in my game will be complaining about a player being AFK or dying on purpose. When I (or others) have told the person complaining to “report them for AFK”, the response is often “I’m not reporting, reporting does nothing.”

Which is kinda correct, if nobody reports, sure it will do nothing.

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But it does not do anything. If you type “reported” you are the one getting reported and banned. You can get banned for typing gg because it is based on number of reports and not on the content. And trolls will continue to troll, feed, stay afk.

I guess that in AI era it is too hard for Blizzard to learn from RIOT for example.

RIOT cares about their community way more than Blizzard does. It is just sad.

Blizzard does not care about game, not sure why some of us still do.

Blizzard runs an automated banning system. The problem is that it doesn’t work. The only thing it does is to ban people who use the chat frequently.

This isn’t true. I’m tired of repeating this, but I have a friend who was suspended for dying too often in ARAM. They were brand new to the game and had no idea what they were doing. They received a three-day suspension, so unlike someone who is silenced, nobody who reported my friend would know they had been punished when they next saw them in their game.


You can do whatever you want in this game. You can afk, you can throw, you can cheat, you can bot, you can hack, you can tell other players to unalive themselves and their families, and Blizzard won’t do anything at all.

Honestly at this point I’d encourage every single person in this game to be as toxic as possible, if to at least ruin Blizzard’s already abysmal reputation. It would be very humiliating if they’d have to shut down a game over an extreme lack of moderation.

B.S. just complete and utter bs. I’ve given you a multitude of examples over the years.

Hell, you’ve even defended them numerous times. Standing by the ‘if you say anything bad you should be banned, and afk’s really aren’t as problematic.’
Yet there is the little magical button to mute the player, but ZERO way to deal with AFK’s as they virtually are NEVER banned.
People is this thread throw the crockpot of ‘forums are moderated by others’ ya no joke, but then they can’t be bothered to walk over to those that do deal with the game and say, hey…can you look at this account…people are willing to break ToS here to bring it to attention…it may be worth looking at’. Nah that should never happen, ever…