Please issue bans to players ruining games

How do you know ? Do you have any proof that tells afk players never get banned or is this just you making up stories because it sounds good in your head ? And for the record. Those that still afk/trolls in every game are not even fan of the game. They are just Blizzard haters that cant move on so they stay in the game they hate and make a living out of making games bad for others. If people never reports them then ofc nothing will ever happen.

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You’re taking individual examples, and then convincing yourself that they’re sweeping generalities.

What really damages the game is impatient ignorant people that distort their reality with their hyperbole because they expect the universe to also distort around their gripes.

The sort of players that rationalize chronic afk probably also sell themselves on bad lies because it takes less effort to do ‘nothing’ than to learn to skillfully play a game, or put in an honest interpretation on reading.

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Yeah, no, I’ve literally said the opposite in all my posts regarding the very flawed report system. I’ve always said that chat infractions were often unfair, as someone wishing death or cancer on a player, is punished (if reported) the same as someone who called another player “bad.”

I know, from friends who were silenced, that you can be punished even for asking a player to swap lanes, as that falls under “Telling someone how to play.” I’ve always advocated for clear rules regarding chat abuse and feedback for players, as people can’t modify their behavior if they don’t even know what they said that was abusive.

That’s enough, I don’t have to justify my position with you, just read my post history on this subject. I suspect, even if you take the time to read it, you will still insist that I “defend” this system, as your reply to me was emotional, rude and favors personal attacks over facts.

Yet it is not. I saw my friend’s email, they were suspended for “Disruptive Gameplay”, for dying too much in ARAM. I would show you the email, but as you’re aware, that would breach the forum TOS and I would be flagged and suspended.

What I’ve always said, is that that players of Hots, shouldn’t be tasked as the primary means of policing Blizzard’s community by issuing reports. Blizzard should have a more active hand in determining if players are AFK/INT for example, by using AI to flag accounts for human review.

As Hots is a dead title, I don’t expect any changes or improvements to the report system that’s in place. Unless something major changes, Hots will remain in stasis, play it while you can, and keep your expectations in check for an old game that is no longer actively supported.

People should just stop asking for major game changes cause it wont happen now. Hots is a now a finished game with now only a few bug/hero fixes done now. Cant expect they gonna listen to all the complainers on this forum when most of the changes they want wont happen.

Either you just sit back in your chair and enjoy the game as it is with a casual mindset or find yourself a new game to play. Its not that hard to make that kind of decision.

If Hots is not fun anymore then there are 100 of other games on the marked they can play instead of keep complaining about the one game they hate.

Just people that are unable to move on and just let the game be when its no longer fun.

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