Please improve your system to deal with trolls

(Im saying please but I know devs wont read here anymore)
If I get a toxic player or a troll, wintrader , intentional dying person ect. I dont want to play with them.

Maybe they get banned , most likely not because this system is bad. The people who run the ban system are trained monkeys or a poorly programmed system.

But when I see someone who is like this, dont let me queue with them any longer, give us an option and detect what they are doing.

If they spend a long % time death or at spawn, just give them a penalty to be unable to play. Instead of the player who is just trying to have a fun game.
Right now we are getting screwed by them and they are getting away with it.
The ban system doesnt work anyway, and if it does 1 week later when dmg is already to high. They just smurf and ruin the newer folk.

This system is trash, but you are endorsing it with this bad of an system.
Learn from your own company, look at overwatch , its not perfect but at least its better programmed. You do have the resources to deal with this.
Maybe if you do this people wont think this game is a joke

Let the community be judge jury and executioner like in league of legends or something, you are creative but you dont expess this.


For once we’re similar in opinion (there’s a difference between us on “toxic” people that tell to get others to shape up) but as a whole the forum would be more on the side the players aren’t the ones being the judge, jury, and executioner

This subject was discussed many times and no action was taken. That’s why this game is in the current state. Now devs are giving us only cosmetics, no improvements at all.

It’s a free game with a small playerbase. I’m playing on EU and almost everytime I’m playing with the same players. Let’s say that even if the guy that trolled you gets ban, he can make another account and can still play. You can also play again with him.

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You know how the automated system works, this system needs time to works as intended.

If you dont know what your talking about, dont respond

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Why do you think I don’t know what I am talking about? You have the report system against AFK, Feeders, abusive chat or other reasons. If YOU can’t name one of the listen reasons to the person you complain about in your games than it’s not reportable and you have to deal with it. The automated system works as intended, don’t whine, because you should know it better.

One example from your posting:

You know that you have reasons for this? As AFK or intentional dying? But consider that being bad isn’t reportable


Great another blizzard fanboy suckup
The action is taking when its too late if any action is taken.
There is nothing to do against trolls or very toxic people expect for waiting an unknown time untill they have a match or just play another game

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Wrong. You can report them and if they get enough amount of reports they will be banned sooner, the system works. Some even argue the system is too hard and punishes some innocent players, because it is automated.

They do.
Just because you don’t want to post because someone else was (unfairly/unjustifiably in my opinion) “punished” and chose to leave, doesn’t change how the developers read the forum.

Depends how much they’re reported by other players.

Gee, I wonder why we don’t get many developer comments here. :roll_eyes:

That being said, I barely see these people you and others talk about, so I can only say anecdotally the system seems to work.

As with everything, improvement would be awesome!

Do you have an idea on how to do this in a manner which doesn’t impact queue times meaningfully?

I all for an “avoid on my team” feature that holds the last 1-2 people that you put on it.

The detection is via players reporting them.
Sadly, a lot of people don’t report. :frowning:

Being bad unintentionally could result in the former.

The latter, again… report them.
Automating a report against anyone who sits in the hall and gets dropped for an AI does seem like something they should do, which could help gather reports faster.

But lots of time spent there without dropping, on purpose, well. What about people at the end of brawls/QM (and ranked?) who sit there and the enemy team can just not end.

I’m sure there is a way to build an automated system to avoid most of these errors in detection, but unsure if Activision-Blizzard would give HotS the time whatever team works on these systems they need to implement it.

I would hope they do.

I’m really curious if most people saying this are in Europe.

It is odd if it was indeed a regional issue.
It it would also be helpful in order to say if ones experience is relevant, and (even if internal metrics show otherwise) being able to quantify “hey blizzard/hots team, Europe is where the problem is being felt by actively online community” can help where resources may be put in.

Or maybe not. But having a solid “here is the problem region” would help.

  1. If all the people they played with reported them, it would take well under a week.
  2. Yeah, fixing smurfing is really easy. Just require everyone to link their real life ID. That’ll go over great! :crazy_face:

(I wouldn’t mind it, but it will sadly not happen).

  1. Yeah, not point out specifically where it does better.
  2. Hopefully they do (again, not a problem I’ve ever experienced on NA with any frequency).

they do.
Encourage reporting of problematic people.


You’re right, an avoid feature sounds wonderful in theory. The trouble is Overwatch had to roll back their avoid player function due to higher queue times and people exploiting it to avoid playing against skilled opponents. I can’t see it working for the much more niche HOTS. I suspect you know this already.

Other games already have systems like this in place to detect serial AFK players and players dying intentionally. As you say, it’s doubtful if Blizz will spend the money to develop such a system for HOTS as I’m not convinced it’s even profitable at this point.

I respect you Yusuke and you may be right that the Automated system works as intended, but I’m not sure it actually works. When it comes to people who grief games on purpose it’s known to be very forgiving and very slow to take action, if action is taken at all.

I have a friend left over from my D3 days who showed me replays of a player on the Oceania server who would buy master accounts and run them to bronze. He would have a losing streak of hundreds of games, but the system never banned these accounts. This person did this for over five years and all their accounts were never shut down, so I don’t have much faith in the system to weed out the worst actors.


I can. My “concept” is:
-you can “tag” a player “do not put me on the same team”.
-they cannot be put on your team.
-there is a limit of 1 player (maybe 2) people tagged at once
-whenever you tag someone, it causes the previous person to become Untagged.

My understanding is a large issue with OW’s system was it make you avoid playing against someone. This is purely to avoid you playing on the same team as someone, with a limit of 1 (maybe 2) people at a time.


Thats why i have more then one game on my laptop. If i get games full of feeders like i had now then i can just move to those instead for some time.

The issue is that the amount of data going into the system isn’t enough. Or rather, the time to get to an actionable amount of data takes to long.

To paraphrase someone from QA “people report less than they claim to report”.

It’s hard to say a system doesn’t work when there is a sizable portion of the player base that effectively does not use the report function.

What’s the solution, I don’t know.

All I know is that the input into the system (player reports) tends to low (very low?).

That of course, could reflect in changing the system to have a lower threshold… but we also have people who complain it is to easy to be falsely reported for things.

So I suspect the solution is to somehow make reporting feel better. Or something like that.

I agree that is indeed a problem Minky, but how do you want to determine a griefer with an automated system without abuse? I would say it is impossible without avoiding more innocent people to get the ban hammer. For the problem to get griefers or trolls we need a system that is not just automated, but a system able to check profiles, chatlogs, etc. individually. For this you need more employees or gms, but it is sadly unlikely for a game is in a maintence mode right now, because it is not profitable for the company.

So we have to accept that we only have this slow automated system that works over long period of time, when people report the problematic users.


This is fair and actually in some ways encouraging to know people just don’t smash the report function in a trivial way.

I was thinking that they should really develop a program that can detect the worst kind behavior without the need for reports, then it could be shunted off to be manually reviewed. Others games already have a systems like this in place.

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The only way for us to know how much / little the system works, would be to play games once it’s been completely removed.

But I suspect it would be worse.

Yeah, I never did understand players who say they never report anyone, despite them complaining about trolls and afks.

But at the very least, false reporting should be punishable.


Sorry, but I am against such a system! This would be a nightmare for the game, because how will an A.I. analyse “worst kind of behaviour”, when there is also things like “sarcasm” or “irony”? This system would definitely hit innocent people and it would be even more needed to mute the chat. You can compare this topic to the topic about “Uploadfilters” in the EU, if you are familar with.

I would rather recommend communication phrases for the chat like in Hearthstone or Overwatch as alternate chat communication to the normal chat by default and the normal one as option in the menue, where people can use it on their own risk. This would solve the ban problem about abusive chat.

Sure it cannot solve the problem with trolls or griefers, but for this one you have the report options: “dying intentional” or “afk”, but I don’t know how to make it better than it is actually.

I should have been more clear, I was only proposing this system for AFK and Intentionally dying, never for the nuance of chat. Having said that, Blizzard said in an old AMA they already have “machine learning” for chat, so yeah, that already is a feature.

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Why isn’t the current report system enough? Feeders and afk marked players cannot be determined that easily, because the first one can also be just bad, but you shouldn’t be able to ban bad players, while afk could also be legit, because he got a real life call… I can’t really see how an A.I. can check when it is right and when not.

Indeed, but also reports and bans should decay over time how in real life where your prison time decays, because you shouldn’t be punished for eternity. It is really frustrating that after some bans you basically should avoid talking, if you want to be save from false reports so you can’t get banned…

I gave you an example above of a player that would lose hundreds of games in a row and not be sanctioned. There is bad luck and then there is something like that which is way out of normal parameters. Other games already use algorithms to detect this kind of variance, and then it’s manually reviewed.

It won’t root out someone who throw one game or two, but it will detect the most egregious behaviors. Again, I’m not speaking of chat offenses.