Please don't bring in Finkle Einhorn re:transphobia

I just was playing hearthstone and I found the Finkle Einhorn Character, then I found out it was a WoW character as well. The problem is that its a reference to a really transphobic joke from Ace Ventura Pet Detective. I just want to find a way to communicate to the Heroes of the Storm Dev team (Heroes of the storm is the game I’m most passionate about) that I really dont’ want to see that character come to HoTS because I wouldn’t want to see HoTS touched by that transphobia. Just wanted to put in my two cents.

A completely random quest giver?

Seriously? You’re worried about him?


I’m curious as to what the joke is exactly.

I can guarantee that it’s literally never crossed their minds.

I doubt most of the team even knew such a character existed until you brought it up.


What does he say?

Finkle Einhorn is a Ace Ventura pet detective reference. The joke is that Ace sleeps with Detective Einhorn, who is a transgender woman who pre-transition was Ray Finkle, a football player. Ace reacts with disgust (its like a ten minute gag of him trying to wash himself off), and the whole thing plays on tropes regarding transgender people trying to “fool” cis-gendered people. Given that he’s made an appearance in two IPs, I just wanted to draw the Dev’s attention to why it shouldn’t make it into hots.

It isn’t like I think this is so severe that we should boycott blizz or something, but I wanted to draw dev’s attention to what I think is a misstep. One I don’t really wanna see in HoTS


That really isn’t related to their importance or probability of getting in, especially when one of those IPs is literally a joke version of the other.


I didn’t know about this character, and as a transwoman I can only roll my eyes and blame the fact that…Blizzard is not one person, some people in the company will have less taste than others.

Sides we already have two Trans Characters that don’t suck in HOTS already Prime Evil Diablo and Chromie

Chromie is not trans, she is female with a masculine name. She’s the dragon equivalent of naming your daughter Frank.

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Let LGBT gamers have this

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While its true I would not like to have this character in the game, I really doubt it was ever really a probability. It’s a pretty random character that’s made an appearance one or twice in WoW, as a very minor appearance. I wouldn’t worry yourself about it.

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I think if any parody got in, Harrison Jones would be the one to do

Though I’d love to see what moveset they’d come up with for Nat Peagle or Leeroy Jenkins