Please add reaper as a heroe!

Favorite character in overwatch personally. Would anyone else care to have him in the nexus?

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Yeah, but it’s probably not gonna happen. We already have his skin and all of his abilities in the game, and i don’t want to have heroes who just stitched versions of the others.

I’m not a fan of him particualrly (don’t dislike him, either), but IMO he’s almost as iconic for OW as Tracer and Winston, and he’s kinda the face of Talon, which is the main antagonist faction in OW.

In other words, he’s too “important” to not be in HotS eventually, IMO.

They can just give him new abilities like they did with Mei.

Hogger, Varian, and Zul’Jin are examples of heroes who didn’t have anything all that particular to make their kit from (they were all just “fights with weapon”), but the HotS devs made a good job of giving them a “gameplay identity”.

Before the release of Mei, some forumgoers said she couldn’t make it because her OW kit is “too toxic” for a MOBA. But she did get in, and not only they gave her new abilities, but they didn’t use like half her kit from OW.

In the old forums, there were a lot of concepts for Kel’Thuzad, most of which kept the War3 Lich abilities (consume and frost armor; Death and Decay always as a heroic; etc.), AFAIK nobody gave him “Chains of Kel’Thuzad”, which is kind of the centerpiece of his HotS design (I don’t know if it came from WoW, or if the HotS devs made it up wholesale like Hogger’s spin).

Mei’s a good example of a hero whose kit in HotS is completely different, but still fits the character “flavor”.

People used to say Maiev couldn’t make it because Zeratul basically got the Warden kit from War3 (the spin is similar to Fan of Knives, and he can Blink), but we got her, and she plays nothing like Zera.

Or, you know, Mei.

Yes, that’s what i’m talking about - if they will add him, he must have different abilities to be unique.

I have no idea that Reaper would be added in the game, Mei added on Heroes of the Storm hasn’t supposed to be the Leaders because Mei is Asian-Female I had already fits in to Wizard Li-Ming, as Mercy can added to HotS.

I wouldn’t mind him.
Seeing what they did with Mei they can totally reimagine his kit into something unique, plus edgybois are fun to listen to.

It’d be a nice change of pace if he got his old trait instead of straight up lifesteal, or better yet be a sideways butcher with a kill quest.