Plat 3 sly main.... 11 min game guess thier death count

Yes, it was qm, but it was an over 1000 level player, just under 200 player level on sly and like i said plat 3.

I will give you a hint, at 4:03 they hit thier 5th death

I have no idea what’s going on here. Sly main? Sylv main? At 4:03 they hit their death count? As in plural? How does this “sly main” fit into this?


He’s trying to say that a person who plays a lot of Sylvanas has 5 deaths at 4:03 game timer.

Maybe the Sylvanas was just having a bad game. Who knows. I’m not sure why this needs a thread but okay.


Not just a bad game, thier average deaths on sly was 9… yet some how still plat 2

Lol, don’t have a clue what OP is saying, but it sounds romantic.


Plat is the new Silver, really surprised?


Now you know why this guy played QM and not ranked :smiley: He probably expected to perform like this and didn’t want to drop in ranks…
maybe drugs? xD

I don’t see how the level of the account or the level of the hero or the rank of the player matters at all.

Even if a guy is level 999 with Sylvanas or Kael’thas it could mean nothing if his skills are trash.

And a plat 3 guy being against masters could easily end up dying a lot. Or as previous mentioned, could be having a really bad day, or been up for 30 hours or felt like playing while completely hammered.

The real question that I want to ask and know the answer of: Why bother making this whinethread? Don’t have any friends to talk to who you could to? You wont be finding many sympathetic ears here, that’s not what the forums are for, this isnt your personal blog.


:smiley: complaining about QM and also about player levels. LOLOLO…

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Indeed, just put this kind of complaint post in the Salt Mines where it belongs.


My most sly main is medivh


I didn’t know Stallone was a playable hero.

Some EU players have peculiar naming conventions for heroes… I’ve seen “sly” mentioned a few times (though it makes no sense, there is no “slyvanas”), “mal” (can be either Malfurion or Malthael and thus nonsensical), or referring to Kael’thas as “Kel” (very easy to confuse for Kel’thuzad).

It can happen in draft and lead to quite a bit of confusion too. There might be a few others I missed.

I think it’s because the russian client stylizes these names in manners like “Keltas” for Kael’thas? Just in cyrillic letters.

For the longest time I felt dumbfounded because two different players referred to Butcher in draft as “car”. Until I realized if you play in the spanish client, Butcher is called El Carnicero.

I need that guy for nexomania 3 now…


Sometimes people aren’t mad or insane, they’re just european.


Hey, I thought people only use that for US! :grinning: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :innocent:

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Playing on Europe is already insane.

You know when hgc was still a thing EU teams always said ‘‘never go full NA’’ just to make fun of NA teams.


While the Koreans laughed at both of us.


Even NK laughed at us!