Placement matches

So I’m just curious, I thought placement matches weren’t really supposed to mean that much. I’m totally fine with people’s MMR getting clamped and reset to a lower level, but right now people are jumping like 3+ leagues up and 3- leagues down just based on some 10 games. Going from GM to plat, from silver to diamond… I mean, knowing the matchmaking variability and especially at the start of the season, this seems a bit problematic. Instead of “fixing” boosting from last season, this season the ranks just seem RNG. And yes people who were placed below their rank can fight themselves up, but many players who got placed WAAAY above their skill level think they are the hot stuff and the rest of the team either has to carry them or suffer having a potato on their team.

good luck fighting your way out of your ranked in you are solo queued.

half of diamond is like former plat5/gold and the other half is former GM… ranks are a total mess right now.