Placement matches together but got different ranks?

So me and my friend played our placement matches in ranked mode and in the end I got bronze 1 and he got silver 2. Why does this happen?
I am pretty sure both of us never played in any previous leagues and had pretty much the same performance (not good). I admit I am a little salty but I am also very curious as to why this happened.

Unless you have played every single game ever (qm included) together then your wins and losses will decide your ranked before you even do placement games.

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So it counts in Quick match as well? That’s strange.
It makes sense at least since I meme a lot in qm :sweat_smile:

Its a very bad system and it doesnt get better.

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Only for initial seeding. Normally you play placements at your current rank, and then the results of those determine whether you stay there or go up or down a bit. If someone has no rank the game needs to make one up, and so it uses QM results to at least have some estimate of where to initially place them.

It is a bit weird, but it’s not like there’s any perfect way to do this. Without this system the game would have to toss people in random placement games that might be way above or below their skill, skewing results for everyone involved.

Obviously qm rating isn’t ideal, but it’s better than nothing.