There’s only so much meditation one can do before you blow a gasket when a healer is forced to helplessly watch and desperately ping only to see a Sylvanas be left alone in a lane for almost 7 minutes
Edit: Couldn’t find the salt mine, consider this a new one
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I feel this. It happens too often.
sylvanas players still afk in lanes just like before the rework? what a shame.
But dont you just love it when you have 100k healing and they say your a bad healer?
You need to start using what i say to people in this game when they are doing bad things and are wasting my mana. “I can only heal so much stupid”
This has netted me with a few iconic saying back to me. Playing as Li Li i got told once “listen here you panad b(word)” to this day my group calls me panda b(word) and that happened a few years ago. We lost the game because none of us could play right after that.
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That’s why ultimately you need a hero who can drive that Sylvanas away yourself.
Without needing to desperately ping teammates for help.
As it turns out, praying and begging baddies for help is not a viable strategy for ranking up solo.
Healers are like the worst type of hero you can solo play in ranked. Second worst are tanks.
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The worst is whatever you are worst at. I climbed as healers and you definitely wouldn’t want me playing assassins.
To the OP, You made the right call by not going yourself though.
Yeah sucks when people don’t deal. Especially after seven minutes lol. But I’m curious what the heck were you guys doing too. If no one was dealing with her, you should be able to make headway somewhere else.
I’d need to watch the replay all I know is that me (as stukov) were losing to a Morales and Diablo on the mid shrine and I have no ide what was going on top but if they won there ws no headway made to counterbalance the Sylvanas pushing to core before 10
Morales Diablo in silver is too stronk apparently.
Inb4 someone says we shouldn’t tell sylvanas players how to play.
Thing about carrying is that you have to have a combination of good macro, good micro, and good communication (unless youre playing at a very low rank and have dmg carry). Being toxic is the opposite of good communication and while i fully admit to failing at it sometimes its representative of bad play at a key aspect of the game. In reflection of all the toxic matches i’ve had that toxicity is at least partially to blame.