Overwatch Ruined This Game

Well you can’t cc them if you don’t pick cc in the first place.

My “lovely first pick assassins random mains” or “I don’t change my hero depending from draft” on SL know only one thing - how to pick wrong hero in wrong game.

They force me to first pick tank or heal and then pick the same hero they could pick earlier.

Like I pick Tyrael (they force me to tank and I’m mostly good with him), my team doesn’t pick cc heroes, picks no AA hero I can buff, picks hero I can’t protect from dive.

“Yes, OW heroes ruined this game. Mobile heroes are bad”

Please, if you ever start maining Uther, you will enjoy facing them.


True. I main Varian and I enjoy facing Tracer, Genji and Co. :joy:

Actually now that u think about it…


Unfortunately mobile heroes can outplay a Varian E. They drag you into their team or towers or both and it’s over

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Only if you suck with your positioning.

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Spoken like someone who knows absolutely nothing about how E works lol.

You cannot cancel his E, so anyone competent enough can predict it, this has nothing to do with “positioning”


You don’t E them, you R them with taunt. Duh.


Still enough for a positive winrate over dozens of games tho. It’s not hard to E+R someone. And if you E an Genji with an active E, then it’s obviously your fault. :joy:

I meant with positioning = out of positioning and charging in alone… every decent player should be aware of this, but Samisha is an obvious troll and likes playing dumb.

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SamiSha is everything but a troll.
Besides, as a Tracer main, he enjoys baiting Varians with his blinks.

Maybe he’s the only one who can do that. I have never seen anybody else abusing Varian’s E.

So please - stay polite.


I don’t see it often in the high silver, low gold area, but when I do its the funniest thing to see Varian fly helplessly to his death. :laughing:

If tracer is in range of being taunted by Varian without the Varian Eing to close the distance then that’s not a fair comparison. Player diff (tracer in melee range of a Varian) rather than kit diff

Most situations the Varian should have to E before R on mobile heroes. Genji and tracer would just dash away and bring Varian out of position, not get taunted straight up

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uh that’s a new one :roll_eyes:

varian “mobility counter” is a form of skill match up but it still doesn’t refrain from the fact that despite him being a generalized counter for those he is countered by what he counters

like mochrie said once in a reddit post which i will not bother digging deep to add to this response:

if varian doesn’t charge → he’s not doing his job
if varian charges any mobile hero → he’s risking to int and dying

in form and concept tank varian as a whole is extremely useless if he doesn’t weaponize his E charge zone because then tank varian isn’t useful at all, and his E doesn’t have an extreme range so being out of position is very unlikely


That’s exactly why you don’t E those characters, R is much more effective. You especially don’t use E on the first engage. You have to wait for them to dive or mess up. Everyone knows if they have blink charges, recall, swift strike or Genji’s D, I forgot what it was called, you don’t E them because they are going to be prepared for it and they are also waiting for you to mess up. Poke with Q to make them think you’re going to charge, and then see what they do and react to what they do. If they ditch, good. If not, you need to wait for them to do something wrong or dive.

If you slide across the map because you used E on those two, you made a bad play and deserve to be punished. That’s more the fault of Varian than it is Genji’s “outplaying” of Varian.

That doesn’t make them OP though. If you don’t peel or don’t protect your team they will walk all over your backline and you will sit there looking stupid. R is a great counter to them and E is not required to lock them down. Q also slows but doesn’t put you in danger. As long as you keep them away from your backline they’re easy to shut down. Both of them.

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You know, I was thinking Colossus Smash can theoretically one shot most of these pesky hyper mobile mosquitos.


Corporate decision, but yeah, still remember that well. Some debate over the inclusion of Orphea, but things overall seemed to be going alright at Blizzcon 2018…

Then Diablo Immortal reveal hit and things just went downhill. Anyone remember when it was announced that we were getting another competitive season for 2019?

I like where your head is at. They can’t do anything if they’re bursted haha. But they have escapes such as Recall and Deflect so it isn’t as good as lockdown CC. Taunt is the go to since they are defenseless until it ends, allowing teammates to follow up with CC and burst damage.


Since when? :thinking:
Ppl should stop throwing random words they either don’t understand or just did so out of frustration.

I’m a skilled Varian and Diablo player who played these Heroes at Master rank. Most Tracers and Genjis (especially in lower ranks) won’t use that Charge-bait tactic (so your positive winrate is truly an achievement on the topic…), but it’s there and hard to counter.
You can’t position it out. You can’t waste time as the Tank waiting for Tracer/Genji to burn their cds, because you need to force them to do so or some other Divers.

Should I call you a troll for arguing against Masters as a Silver-Gold player on skill-based topics where they have experience and your experience is the lack of it due to not facing such opponents and tactics?
I won’t. But you should look inwards more often if you call the skilled, big forum-contributor Sami, a troll.

And this is sarcastically a really smart and true observation.


I completely agree with you, these forums have only been bettered due to Sami’s contributions.

Again, I agree with you. I will say though there is a lack of maybe care, and lower than usual sensitivity in this thread by many people, not just the one. I think these kind of nonsense threads bring out the grumpy in many of us. :sunflower:


last hgc December of 2018
ow hereos released during 2017
they killed the game

And chocolate milk is directly milked from brown cows.

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