Only the players can make this game good again

This concept will become more popular with time, if devs stay lazy/unfounded, we players will no longer be chained to the devs in the very near future.


Most of HotS players “ideas” will make the game worse tho.


Who says the game isnt good?
And we need devs to spice up the game enough so we dont loose intrest


nah its the opposite. The devs refuse to listen to the player base and thus nothing is gonna help.


It’s sad to say, but i’m glad.


Where did you get this weird delusion that players do have ideas that all other players agree with? Have you ever seen a forum?

Feel free to dislike the dev decisions, but don’t pretend that player suggestions aren’t just as disliked or more. (And rightly so, most of the forum suggestions are just awful.)


At this point beedragon30 is just a troll, he is lying intentional about this topic, the devs have proved a good amount of times that they listen to the community far too often and players on this forum witnessed it and if someone with 236 comments says this I consider him trolling. That’s why I reported his comment as trolling.

This guy made already many topics or comments I would call “toxic” and I wonder why this guy’s forum account isn’t banned yet, because he is an obvious troll.


This. Have you ever read most of the concepts or ideas posted? It is a blessing devs ignore those

There is nothing wrong with good, detailed concepts and ideas. But 99% are not good and detailed

The few times someone has posted a really good suggestion on Reddit, a blue usually responded to it. The few times it happened on forums, a blue occassionally responded to it too (though that was before 2021).

Most suggestion posts are just angry rants in broken English. Sometimes (but not always) peppered with direct insults against Blizzard. It’s hard to take them seriously no matter how humanistic and egalitarian we try to be.


The patches are questionable as well, ultimately alot of changes lead to this games downfall.


In many cases they arent that questionable, because they generaly arent that bad that it creates a lot of problems. Usualy there are clear indications what they are trying to do, which is based on valid feedback.

The issue is that its often on heroes that people see as being ok, just because there are a lot of heroes that are in need of a rework. But even though a lot of heroes do need a rework, it doesnt mean ok heroes do not require changes at all. Heroes that are mainstream are easier to balance because they get played a lot, which generates more feedback.

However, i do have the idea that experts of heroes are often ignored regarding potential changes (especialy when those changes would be quite easy to apply). Even if the expert isnt master or higher, their feedback can often still be valid and worthy to investigate.

But that just requires more interation on the forums regarding feedback on why things are not being applied, or simply a mention it is being investigated. These simple comments give people the impression the devs do listen, even if they simply dont use their feedback because for whatever reason (they dont like it, they found issues, or it simply takes time, or they require a lot more before even starting on a rework).

Even relatively generic responses work, because it shows the devs did actively read a thread.

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And still they made a lot of changes based on what good players demanded, just ask lucifer or Narha. Recent patches were part-wise community based.


No they have not. They will not fix the match making, they will not even add a surrender button while ignoring afks. You can call me troll all you want but you know I am right.


“You think you do, but you don’t” and in this case this quote is true.


I wouldn’t like to have a surrender button but i agree that they won’t fix the match making, i am in fact 100% certain of the undeniable truly factual fact that the truth is that trully the devs cannot really make a certainly better version of the matchmaking they took for free from an internet website.
  1. Nope, devs > players.
    Players might give nice ideas but are obviously laics on how can those be made/implemented/balanced.
    A lot of things are also desired by the devs as well but their hands are tied.
  2. Who said that the devs are not players?
    AZJackson for example was a GM lvl player.

Well, if they pay to us, then of course we shall make this game better :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Stating this shows you have absolutely no clue about the problems. A surrender button is not a solution to the problem. It only just moves the problem as surrender begging and forcing by throwing harder will become even more common.

The real problem is multiple things. And most of those arent even that generic as just ‘match making’.

A few underlying problems:

  • ELO is not designed for teamgames, and because of that, it has a few flaws in them that allows team stacking. Now, there were tricks to cover for this, but they arent complete and break at a lower player base.
  • This game has very specific talents, in order to get a better ELO spread, heroes should be generic, but generic heroes are dull and would be worse. So we already get a less optimal ELO spread here.
  • As there is no money cost, smurfing can easily be done. And because winrates by default are close to 50%, smurfs generaly end up relatively high.
  • There is no matching done based on winrates. Idealy you want to match similar winrates together to get around the mentorship problem (this is not a thing they deliberately set, its what just happens automaticly). With equal winrates, you can figure out which low win rates are worse to get those to drop faster (or in the case of high winrates, which rise faster).
  • Ranked and unranked should not have diffirent requirements in gameplay. However, QM and SL are very diffirent due to the draft mechanic. UR might exist, but as its a dead gamemode it simply doesnt cover it. This disrupts ELO in ranked games as a very basic step that has a lot of influence is simply not measured in QM.
    • Adding to that. QM allows you to 1 trick, which in draft can be prevented forcing you to learn more heroes.
  • With lower playerbases, the worst of the worst is spreaded more acros ranks. With a huge playerbase, those will simply drop to the lowest ranks, but at those ranks will often still get balanced games causing less frustration and giving those players the sense they belong there.
    • These players are often called throwers, even though they might not actualy throw. Its just that their skill varies a lot through games and ELO simply cant get him placed properly due to all trolls, smurfs and GM’s that are doing a challenge (seriously
 those GMs deserve a ban as its very disruptive, first because they had to throw their account to bronze first, and then steamroll).

The issue you described is both an ELO, funding and player base problem. A problem that is hard to fix, although some bandaiding can be done. These changes however require a lot of time to be properly tested, and a game in maintenance mode simply doesnt get those resources. And the result might not even be noticed because of the playerbase doing things that are disruptive towards matchmaking.

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Yeah, that’s what he said, can anyone here upload a replay of him to prove he wasn’t trash?

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Interesting, so the game becomes public domain if the devs don’t shape up?


There is too much intellectual property from multiple associated IP’s for HOTS to make it likely for it to become public domain. The Devs aren’t the problem, those in charge of funding the game are.