Only ONE attractive male character?

also blizz apparently deleted my post. God-tier moderation

Holy Necro-post batman

Anduin is very good looking, Arthas on WC 3 Reforged looks way more better than his other versions (makes sense even more now, why Jaina was so crazy about him :sweat_smile:) although both are not in the game yet… I mean Anduin not being a Hots character yet and no Prince Arthas Paladin skin or something…

Well they did technically release Paladin Arthas + Frostmourne (actual model in WC3) but this was back during the days where only Tychus was the super unique skin option to occur and Prince Arthas was a dead runner up (pun intended) back then.

Sadly they’re in maintenance mode so means less likely to see older heroes get looked at for new stuff due to the actual good developers being thrown at mobile failures :frowning: specially with Arthas’s model being well ‘old’ plus i doubt they wanna make a light themed death knight set.

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Blaze is also DAMN HOT

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You appear to have forgotten Abathur


Like Varian, Raynor, Medivh, and Firestorm Blaze don’t exist.
Besides, Anduin’s gonna be coming any day now :hearts:

Let’s not forget about stitches who’s gorgeous

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What if you saw Genji before he was a cyborg? If you were Sonya, would you choke him with those thighs? If Hanzo didn’t nearly kill his own brother, then someone else could have hurt Genji. Or maybe he could of had a disease or accident that forced him to be a cyborg?

You don’t find Abathur attractive? Cutest character I ever seen!


Hanzo attractive? Well if youre into yakuzas I guess. Hopefully we get a fundoshi skin in the future.

And lucio attractive? No way in the burning hells. MORTAL TYRAEL is the only black man in my life

Not everyone have the same tastes. I would do Zagara. I’m sure she’s a great mother. :heart_eyes:

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I did not need to know that.


Kael would be nice looking if he wasn’t so wrinkly… The whole eternally youthful elf thing doesn’t really work when it only seeminly applies to girls.

I will say though, Genn (in some skins), and Uther are pretty attractive imo
Actually I find a lot of the dudes attractive but they could use “sexier” skins like ladies typically get