Ok is being good at Ranked REALLY something to brag about?

I mean, in HotS, just by Macro you can reach Plat.
What makes someone to climb further from Diamond in SC?
I guess not finetuning your performance like doing something at the perfect time (timing) or maximising your micro (stutterstepping). You know, things that differentiate the more and the less skilled :thinking:

So just making sure they continue to build workers, units, buildings, and expanding?

Or is it Headshots?

Being Positive?

I guess you’re not allowed to answer questions if you still want to live in your delusion :man_shrugging:t2:

You’re allowed to answer questions. You just haven’t.

This is why I say that you haven’t a clue why you win or what skills are important to winning.

As important as running the flag may be in Capture the Flag games, Headshots are the skill that matters most for players looking to climb the ladder.

As important as micro is in SC2, knowing how to maintain your macro is the set of skills that matter most for players looking to climb the ladder.

How do we know this? Because the DATA shows this to be the case.

Are you seeing the pattern yet?

I still blame you for not voting for my team on the forum tourney :sob:
You jinxed us


My bias for the good Dr. Logan is exposed!

It was really because your team had too many healer mains on it. If they had been evenly distributed it would have been quite difficult to guess the winner.

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