Ok I want to learn Tanks so badly at this point

Hi, I like spamming Jojo so far, pretty cool gal NGL, also Garrosh but I feel really depressed while playing him sometimes even though he’s really fun.

I want to learn Malganis and Blaze, they are pretty hard and I still can’t get them.

Please help, thanks.

Watch Leon Black play malganis. He’s a master…


I watch him when I can, he’s pretty cool with it but I honestly would have prefered actual reply actually writing down the basics and everything?

I’m Blaze player. Ask what you want to know.

All, all of it, I want to Blaze my enemies, please teach.

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I have 76% win rate with Muradin and i like playing Arthas too. You can ask me anything.

First you need to endure whats its like solo queueing as a tank

Step 1. Pick a tank
Step 2. Watch everyone in your team pick non cc heroes
Step 3. Get blamed for not tanking the zerathul in the backline
Step 3b. Watch all the healing go to your valla or greymane


If you want to learn Tanks so badly at this point.

You must play Sgt. Hammer


Play world of tanks then.

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How do I delete someone else comment?

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Blaze can be played as main tank, solo tank (in right drafts and good communication) and as second tank.

Blaze has good sustain, HP pool and a lot of tools to absorb damage (healing, armor, shield, unstopable, Bunker, magic armor), but he lacks hero damage, so don’t expect to kill someone fast.

He has good waveclear by AA, Q, Q+W.

He has good zoning by W, Bunker or Combustion.

He has AoE skillshot stun, what can stun multiple targets. Can be used to engage or retreat.

He is vulnerable to CC heroes, like ETC, even with unstopable. Be careful.
To engage, use W to slow target and immediately use your E to stun it before it leaves slow area.

Don’t ignite W by Q or your AAs (if you took Incinerator Gauntlets on lvl 7), if you want your targets to be slowed, because your W doesn’t slow when it’s on fire (until you took Adhesive Petroleum on 4 lvl, what allows you to slow by W even if it’s ignited).

Your AA is AoE, so attack middle minion to damage sided minions too.

Most your talents and builds are good. Be free to experiment!


Main tank build:
Oil Dispersal
Bunker Drop
Suppressive Fire/Nanomachine Coating (depends from enemy dmg type)
Thermal Protection
Fortified Bunker

Second tank/jungler/off laner build:
Adrenaline Stimpack
Adhesive Petroleum
Incinerator Gauntlets
Combustion/Bunker Drop
Fuel Leak/Suppressive Fire/Nanomachine Coating (again depends from enemy dmg type)
Thermal Protection
Burn Notice

Don’t pick Blaze as solo laner on maps, like Braxis or Dragon Shire, because mostly he won’t be able to win enemy solo laner, who has more damage.


McIntyre just posted a very good guide to Blaze talents and game play.

I posted this a while ago, but it is still pretty accurate.


u forgot the part of giving them vision and them not understanding y. or telling u to run into a team of full cc while your team has nothing to counter said cc or has no other cc but your 1 cc.

tank life

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I actually don’t pick Cross fire because I like it, but because I hate the other options lol.

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I would recommend against playing jojo until you learn the roll. She has a get out of free card that most tanks dont.

Etc is pretty fun. Nothing feels better than landing a good moshpit.

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Yeah :stuck_out_tongue: i wanna do a #tank life once

Anyways garrosh is a bit odd. I know everyone says Q build is the best. But if the damage is slow you better take another build
Lvl 1 overwhelming strenght
Lvl 4 thirst for battle
Lvl 7 depends but most likely opressor or into the frey
10 warlords challenge
13 bloodcraze
16 depends
20 double trow

Garrosh is really squichy and this build makes him survive a lot of punishment. Just remember that W heals more on heroes. He also does nice dmg with this build because he is less of a otp

The lvl 1 extra range is just for the kill pressure. You can still do your E Q combo.
Another thing I love to do when im fighting and a tank is in my face. Im trowing him over the terrain (lets say dragon shire) just trow him so he needs to take a lot to come back.

Q can be a nice way to set up kills. Its not only E / Q .
And just force a damage to rotate with you. I have a lot of times that only the healer follows me and its damn frustrating.

When i tank i pick mostly Mura or Etc. Those are the tanks i fell fine with so far and my winrate with them have risen abit since last time i played them.

Not long ago I opened an Arthas thread asking for help. Maybe it is of use to you.