Ok I want to learn Tanks so badly at this point

Pick his cool skin and change the voice b

Most BS ability in the entire game.

Tbh, I find the best way of learning tanks is counting cooldowns of other heroes.

Off the top of my head I know stagger on chen is an 18 second cooldown, leo’s wraithwalk about 14, dehaka burrow 20, being able to keep in mind important escape options for enemy heroes is a good way of locking them down to punish.


Don’t forget it puts you in a queue with another tank

(literally happens every time my friend tanks)

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Don’t ever pick Incineration Gauntlets.

I mean, i want to like it, but losing the ability to control when you can light up your oil is a massive downside.


I wish I knew them. Tank is my most played role but not by choise :laughing:

Guldans Haunt in my oppinion
Mosh can be interupted

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Yeah my friend (CoolDoggo) also has that problem cause I can play everything but tank. I always get him to Arthas for my Kel’Thuzad.

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Im a arthas main myself but why doesnt he take malganis? Just curious

He says, “I just don’t lol”

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I get it. Im not a fan of his playstyle either

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Ok so you want the written word of a bronze player over a grandmaster tank player that you have to watch to learn.

Ok here we go. A while ago another good EU tank player, Lauber published his build on reddit. I tried it and I really liked it (I’ll let you google that )

  • 1 – Winged Gaurd
  • 4-- Fueled by Torrment
  • 7 – Will of Tichondrius
  • 10 - Carrion Swarm, self cleanse every 70 seconds built in escape and can chase if you are hard winning. Dark conversion has a channel time so most poeple use it too late in the fight and mal ganis either dies waiting for it to complete or gets interrupted and gets killed.
  • 13- Depends, if Lucio is you healer Blood Rush, Night beckons if you use E an engage and want to keep people around for AOE attacks like Kealthuzad, Jaina, that big fat dragon that cant move, Deep sleep if you have people that keep out running your sleep.
  • 16 - Plague Bats, its consistent, for most cases Frenzied if you are winning hard against teams that love a good fight.
  • 20 – seeker swarm if you are being chased it will give you space, if you are winning it will provide a sleep that will give AOE attackers a sitting target.

Bronze advice use it as you will.

You want to start night rush out of view of the enemy team and you want to communicate to your AOE dealers to hold AOE till after you sleep.

Speaking of Mal’ganis, this was just posted recently, and is an interesting watch, even if it isn’t your play style.

NotParadox just recently did a video breaking down how Leon Black plays and builds Malganis.

The cliffs notes version of this would be:

  • Engage with your E and push towards the back line asap
  • Use your Q on the back line not the front line to cause the most possible disruption
  • Use the last swing on your Q in conjunction with your W for some surprise burst damage
  • When all your abilities are on cooldown walk out of the enemy team

The recommended build for him is:
1 - Winged Guard
4 - Fueled by Torment
7 - Spreading Plague
10 - Carrion Swarm
13 - Blood Rush
16 - Plague Bats
20 - Seeker Swarm

Blood Rush is a very badly worded talent because it gives the impression that the healing he generates for himself doesn’t count when it in fact does. Blood Rush when combined with Spreading Plague results in you basically always having the full 15 stacks of Blood Rush during team fights. This makes him incredibly disruptive to enemy teams

Your level 1 and 4 talents combine to make all types of basic attack largely ineffective against you.

Always Carrion Swarm over Dark Conversion because the former is useful no matter how much health you have whereas the later is only useful when you’re at low health.