For sure. I wouldn’t say I have enough experience with his whole kit yet to know where he’s bad outside of aggressive builds, and as for blatant weaknesses it seems like sustained damage + lots of CC. They’ll keep you from playing aggressively because of constant peels and Stagger also suffers because your uptime won’t be as impactful and then they’ll be able to just keep hitting you afterwards. And when you have to doublesoak versus someone who does it better than you, you struggle then. They don’t have to trade with you, just go to the other lane, outclear you, and you’re then stuck playing catchup the whole time and losing EXP.
Well… 5 seconds lol. The E buff is the damage one and it only lasts 5 seconds
Honestly I’m 100% used to new W/W. I like it now.
Btw SSR sucks
just thought I’d point that out. I’m only trying it in try mode but assuming you’re constantly always hitting 2 people with W/W and Q, that’s 5 hits per roughly 6.5-7 seconds,
These values are bad. Freshest Ingredients has it beat in every way in lane, not to mention the Eye of the Tiger. How can this talent possibly compete? Values need to be WAY increased or Breath of Fire DoT needs to also trigger it, because atm it seems like there’s just no way, period, that it could ever compete, in lane or in fights.