Now that Chen's rework is live, I have some feedback about his kit


Whats his new build?

So far it’s this for me, I could see taking Withering Flames maybe at 4 as well as some of the other tank-talents later on like EtS/Celerity, more likely the later ones than WF but I could see it sometimes

Eye of the Tiger
Accumulating Flame
Gift of the Ox
Keg (playing lots of CH, boss control > literally anything else)
Ring of Fire (this is where I could see taking EtS depending on draft, both talents are super strong now)
Combo Attacks

Man Chen does so much damage with these talents lmao. Once you get RoF you pop squishies, even before that you chunk them fast with EoT/AF autos. Kick talents are garbo as always, people like crit kicks but it just forces a rhythm I don’t care for and the extra damage pales in comparison to the numerous benefits of increased siege etc. from resetting DoT duration and more dots if you happen to hit multiple people

Stagger is eye-wateringly good. Playing against KTZ/Valeera/Diablo my first game, it wasn’t even close. We had a BW support, between GotOxe and spell armor from BW I faced 0 issues versus their burst. Bait city man, feels amazing


Who do you think is a good counter to new Chen?

gift of Ox is actually insane. Panda heroic is also really good now, especially at engaging into a single target.


Our high king! Coloss + shield scatter still sounds good against him

Btw were banning chen these days
The day has finaly come


Just when I started to despise “nerf Chen” meme, they release such rework. Ehh…


Tbh I think it might be sustained damage combined with CC, Sonya has long been good against him and I’m thinking might still be, but I really can’t tell. Honestly he’s so different because of the dynamic between his increased shield duration and Stagger. If you have the ability to poke from ranged with sustain damage and zone him away from allies/punish him for trying to hit the tank, I think that’ll probably be good… I really can’t say anything with any confidence at this point though because he’s almost an entirely new hero despite retaining much of his smoothness (that’s right, I’m feeling pretty used to his new rhythms now and he feels super smooth when you get good stagger value)

TBH I’m not sure. Elusive Brawler has always been good against CS (predictable burst) and not as good versus twin blades; now he has even another tool versus predictable burst damage in Stagger so, idrk. Plus Varian has no mobility versus something like Keg which tends to really screw him up. But if you catch him Stagger is down, yeah you could probably pop him and Winblades might still be as good as ever, or maybe not. Chen does a lot of damage now. :man_shrugging:

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That would be Lunara then, hahahahha.


I recommend you to censore one word to not be banned.

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I would have to care first


it only makes sense uncensored. Otherwise the whole dynamic of the post changes :confused:

Yeah, I noted in the “Who counters Lunara?” thread that Chen isn’t going to be as binarily good against her anymore since his drinking is less readily available and his Keg>Flame combo starts out with a slow that isn’t enough to let him keep up with her and then he also has to wait for 1-1.5s to cast Breath, so unless she gets in range of his W while his Q is still available I think it’s going to be a lot more of an even matchup now (and if she does get caught with W he will destroy her except for possibility of LS charges, the wild card :man_shrugging:) . And her Q got buffed, so she can burst him when there’s a chance too. Could be so!


Yeah but those are bad varians ;p
You always need 2 to be effective

Insert Arthas pre-Death Knight WC3 voice.
Time for the live trials.
Stagger also synergizes well with Divine palm if anyone wants to try that out for any kharazim practicing it.
Good luck to the Chen players.


Haha yeah I could see that. I staggered a full ktz combo + wallbang + boss stun + valeera when I team wiped on a mis-executed boss and the stagger dot was ticking for like 20% of my health per second lol. I managed to kick away and drink but died so fast anyway hahaha

If you don’t need EB for anyone but the cs varian, you pretty much have it up for it. Not to say I never lost to a ca varian as chen, just that EB can be really good for it

Yeah it can be really annoying, give you that

I just wish the flame breath wasn’t so long of a delay. I can get used to it but it feels so weird.


Wait, I thought you hated his new kit

I think you are confusing him with someone else.