Nobody on this forum has ever won a game against me

Polokus, at some point you’re gonna have to step up and put your money where your mouth is. Don’t let the fear of losing stop you.


I have no fear of losing, i have fear of not winning hard enough to show that every single one of you are trash compared to me (except like 10 people around the world).

Tell me your challenge, and if its fair I accept it. You can even have a slight advantage
If I win you stop being toxic and stop calling yourself better then anyone else and any other of that BS.

If I loose I will mention your the greatest


He refused mine , and i made extra sure my challenge was the fairest and removed any possible variable that could undermine one’s performance or allow the possibility of cheating … I wonder what his idea of a challenge looks like :thinking:


Trolling the forums.


Partying up with someone in QM and getting high stats and MVP, lol.


Meh, the OP just wants attention which we’re all giving him as the forums have stagnated. Polokus is the proverbial Canary in the coal mine to measure forum health. It would seem we’re running a high temperature.


“Polokus accepting a challenge accordingly to what was set” challenge (Difficulty: Impossible).


It was obvious though, because that’s how he can boost his ego and say “you can’t beat me”, because you literally can’t, if you play by his rules. :crazy_face:

Mark Twain said sth. that is interesting in that matter:
“Never argue with an idiot. He will lower you to his level and beat you with experience.”

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That quote doesn’t apply to me, something very different happened. In truth i didn’t know exactly how i wanted to challenge you at first and then i found exactly how i want to do it, but a little too late. It is my bad totally.

This one is more appropiate:

“Being too far ahead of your time is indistinguishable from being wrong.”

–Howard Marks.

“I’m bored of this thread.”



Now that I think about it, Polokus reminds me of an old forum troll called ‘Yajirobe From DC’.

Used to say he was the best 1v1 player. That he had a unique defensive playstyle that threw people off, along with his “attacking from awkward angles.”

Thing is, you could never find any VoDs of this legendary, mystical player. So much talk, yet so little proof.

Polokus, are you Yajirobe?

GGnet in China - Pajkatt showing admiration for mystical YajirobefromDC - YouTube

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Too much information to be the same player.

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