No, yeah, the community actually is toxic

I’m invincible. Not really. Since another thing people can abuse is the report system by just making alt accounts to spam report. It has happened, and it was a disgraceful display all round.

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I’ve gotten whispers just from typing “Trump” into the chat
People are hysterical.

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Should’ve told them to let you finish…“Card”.

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So people who are blunt are the toxic ones in your perspective. Is being called brain dead a racial slur? Or of any hard core profanity thrown at you? If it’s ranked u meet those kinds of people it’s called being a individual with a competitive personality. If your not with a cooperative team why not just get the vote card for escape artist instead it be more fun to see one would get less deaths meanwhile in tab the team would display higher death counts. I always love to remind them how they are feeding and give them them spotlights for how well they enjoy dying. Meanwhile I relax as a medivh or a anuberak that quickly moves away if team is making no progress.

I have moved away from multiplayer games where toxic behavior dominates. I stopped joining comms on console. That is a wasteland of racial slurs. I have to say the blizzard community I once enjoyed is now one of those toxic wastelands.
There are many games out there with great communities. I have found 2 mmorpgs that have supportive communities. I dropped WOW in favor of playing a game free from that noise. Sadly have not found a Moba that is not toxic. I stopped playing several modes of this game because of how badly the community treats each other and abuses the report system.
I also took a long break from these forums for the exact reason that the poster stated above. I do not believe things will change within the blizzard community. The company has a dark cloud hanging over it right now and it is attracting negativity inside their games and outside.
Best advice I can give is mute the moment you see a person being negative and play blizzard games in very small doses minimizing your exposure to the toxic community.

It’s a blizzard game; literally all of their games encourage people to be toxic…This has been known for a decade now.

As to the forums, the devs gave up years ago. Someone on the reddit forum actually counted how many times people got downvoted into deletion on this forum, back when it was a thing, and over 60% of threads got hammered this way. The 40% that didn’t? Azz kissing the devs, or sharing memes/art.

My advice, if you’re not streaming, just mute the whole chat system and move on. Otherwise you’ll get that lovely situation where someone is ‘friends only’ and you can’t block them because of it…

The moba genre has some toxic people, but not like this.

Not like setting up a spam bot to harrass someone for 5 hours, and then 2 more when said account was accidently unblocked. All because someone picked E.T.C. …

Blizz community is that special kind of insane.

I rarely encounter such extreme cases what you describe and I saw extreme cases in Dota 2/HoN too. So I can’t agree with you here. You’re exaggerating.

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There is very clear evidence of bullying on the Korean servers which I would class as extreme.

True, some people who play this game can be rude and for sure the report system is easily abused by anyone who chooses to, it’s set up to function that way.

I really can’t agree with you though that this is a toxic community, especially on the forums. Many skilled players here post guides, give advice, even coach players for free.

When I made my GG Thread I never expected or intended for it to be a mega thread like The Salt Mines as it’s all about sharing stories about the nice people you meet in games. If the community was so bad in game and on the forums my thread wouldn’t have lived beyond Septemeber 2019.

Again, I’m not denying you can meet nasty people in the game and here, I’ve met my fair share, but they have been in the minority in my experience.


im kinda used to trash talk and toxicity by now,i get more surprised when someone is friendly , i used to try justified my action , but now i just dont care anymore i dont have time and energy to waste on toxic ppl ,just mute them and move on. I leave you with this quote “You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.”


The world is toxic because it has humans in it. Refine the system in your mind thst processes these various stimuli to root out, ignore, or reject the toxicity that you, a confident self loving player, know is THEIR problem 100% and yours at 0%.

Dude above with the stones and dog barks quote has it right.


I’m confused now…

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You’re not streaming then, which honestly no one should do. I’ve streamed enough mobas to know what I’m getting into; this is the only one I’ve had to get twitch involved because people would stalk and harass chat. 'Don’t stream this anymore.

And I know I’m not the only one who’s had this problem; Streamer/OBS/Maker reddit all have people coming out and flat asking ‘is this normal for hots’ and having some kind of absurd story of some mentally challenged molerat going apesit at the streamer for some minor infraction in game.

Aaaaaand to that end, this is why Blizzard has the rep it has now. There’s a reason it’s considered the troll kingdom of gaming; No one bans these people, other companies outright tell their users to avoid their communities, and the system itself encourages this behavor.

Like, did you know there’s a 100 person limit on your mute list? That’s shared between all blizzard games. In a given day in WoW, OW, heck even Dibbs, how many people do you run into? And how many people do you need to just stuff a sock into because they won’t shutup?

Now imagine not being able to do that because you ran into over 100 people who go apesit.

He’s saying ignore the trolls and molerats and grow a thicker skin. In otherwords, shutup no one cares. Which is half true.

Some posters already said this before but you can purge the top of the list every now and then. Chances are you can’t even remember who those people are anymore because very old blocks show up as a bunch of random numbers.

I’ve blocked like 20 people in 5 years and I have no idea who any of them are anymore except for the last one or two (a person who kept spamming emojis during a match, and a troll who kept whispering “bg” (bad game).

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I have alot of conspiracy theories to enhance your life with. You’ll have something to blame and exaggerate like this for posts and paragraphs to come.

I have a feeling based on your passion for this angle that you’d eat that stuff right up because then you can make excuses instead of difficult changes having to do with yourself.

Blizzard is responsible for making a healthy game enviroment. They refuse to fix the problems of the players acting like this so they are the only ones to blame.

Discussions of toxicity always invite the same replies and are rarely productive. You’re not going to convince someone that what they’re doing is needlessly upsetting, even if it’s as simple as pointing out blatant cruelty.


I made a joke about the litigations involving Diablo from the games and the Dog named Diablo from a TV show. I also edited his post if you haven’t noticed. It is a specialty of mine in this forum.

Also, no one needs to shut up and move on. No one cares what is happening to other people, but they do care about what is happening to themselves. ZeroGravity, decided to defend themselves by not wasting their efforts. He simply moved on from slamming his head against the wall.

ya better toxic veteran than 60+lvl noob with 0game hero select in ranked…