No more matchmaking by roles and perfect comps in QM! We need MM by MMR NOW!

Can we at least have similar style of comps
You know don’t ask a d’va and Qhira to frotnline against a mal’ganis and a stitches for example

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One thing QM does it match your comp with the other teams comp. So if your team doesnt have a tank. They wont have a tank either. Same with healer and so on. That’s about it really. Unless it literally cant find the players or people 4 or 5 man a weird strange comp than it wont match it.

They stopped doing that over a year ago mate.
Too many people didn’t want to wait for the matches.

You know how I know this
Qhira and D’va
Vs Mal’ganis and Stitches
Frontline stomp of the ages.

Not an exageration I was the god damn Qhira in that scenario

Like I said. It tries. Should have at least one tank if the other team has one, but QM I guess couldnt find a player. But I have also had games like that. The curse of the expanded search. Mostly for me it’s the other way, we will have two tanks or two bruisers and the other team will have a normal comp.

Clearly it could the enemy had TWO
We had a bruiser and a melee assassin

Seriously tell me in what universe it would be less balanced to have Qhira with mal’ganis and stitches and the D’va on the other side

Dont know if those two were in a party and queued together. Idk.
I mean. I agree with you, QM cheesed you. It happens. I’m just saying most of my games it tries to matches the comps. Sometimes it doesnt or cant. Like 9/10 game it matches the comps.

As I already shared it here, they still do this:

System is still running but just not that rigid.

I edited the first post so people can see it.

This was also during the time Whitemane came out and it was trying to make games without Whitemane on BOTH sides. I couldn’t imagine having a new hero would complicate the MM like this /sarcasm

Instead they threw the switch the other way

(edit for more content)

Also doesn’t help that extended MM kicks in 24-26 seconds in, even before 30 seconds. There are plenty of exceptions to the rule as well, full groups waiting around so long it just tosses them into a game, regardless of what the que times are for their opponents

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Like… This was a 30 sec queue. It literally found the match right when the expanded queue happened. This was a really frustating match, especially for me. We lost of course because no one knew what to do except me. Seriously, these guys don’t have nowhere near my mmr, why does the MM put them with me? “oh but it probably average the mmr if you look at the other team”. Well, average mmr is also incredibly frustrating. This needs to stop, seriously.


Another match with really weird comps and people who were clearly nowhere near my MMR as well, extremely frustrating.

And these were just 2 of the games I played today. I had games where we just stomped the enemy team really hard and it was clear that a couple players had no idea what they were doing while our team was just good overall. More examples of the difference in MMR in the match…

Seriously Devs, we need matches by MMR so at least the games are balanced in skill :confused:

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I have not either. And I play primarily during weekdays at off peak hours for NA…

I don’t have an issue with prioritizing MMR more-so than mirroring certain roles. But I consistently play during off-peak times. where Matchmaker has the lowest amount of people, and don’t see these things.

Not a bug, i don’t recall the exact wording, but this is intended behavior.

Which pisses me off.

I don’t care how wonky the match is, or even if it has to make everyone wait another 5 seconds to start.

<30 seconds shouldn’t ever start without at least Tank+healer+Ranged AA on either team. Excluding groups of 3-5 people, given they can pick all ranged assassin/bruiser/etc.

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yeah I know it isn’t a bug and I actually think it is worse because it is an intended feature. The “extended” MM already has your questionable game ready soon as the timer hits 30 which means it actually was working before hand. Those are resources that could have been spent looking for a better match as far as I’m concerned.

I get the purpose of the Extended MM, but the fact that it kicks in so quickly is ridiculous. Add in other ways to manipulate the MM and it really makes things a chaotic mess.

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