No more matchmaking by roles and perfect comps in QM! We need MM by MMR NOW!

Well, that’s it Blizzard. Stop trying to please people with having perfect comps, one tank, one healer, one ranged and 2 flex. We will never have a good matchmaking system in QM if MMR is not prioritized! We will never have good matches if MMR is not prioritized! We can have the best comps in the game on both sides, but because the MMR is so diverse in a QM match that match will just be a stomp for one of the teams.

People can say what they want, but this is the main reason why QM sucks so bad right now. You start queueing and 30 seconds after that you get into the expanded queue, and because the system still tries to match “perfect comps”, it literally expands to the point you can have someone with really high MMR matched with someone who just started playing the game just for the sake of having a tank + healer on the team. And that is not even the main problem, because the system most of the time can’t even find those “perfect comps”, so it just expands the queue to any MMR with literally any roles, and most of them are not even mirrored.

It’s time for us to come back to the old QM system and forget about comps. Blizzard please just match us based on MMR first and then mirror the roles. That is the most fair MM we can have. It literally doesn’t matter if we get perfect comps if the players are not even close to where we are in MMR. It is REALLY rare to find a match where you get a good game, mainly because of how different the MMR is among the players in that match. I’m pretty sure we could have a better match with 5 healers against 5 main tank if everyone was around the same MMR, but when both teams have perfect comps but you literally get someone who just started playing and someone who’s been playing for years, that will lead to a stomp for one of the teams.

Get rid of this MM trying to find perfect comps, we need MMR first! It’s not like the MM even finds these “perfect comps” most of the time anyway, so just get rid of it and start matching us by mmr and see how well the matches will go, just like it used to be in the past (though not perfect, but 100% better than what we have now).

Edited: Since some people don’t know about this, the call of the nexus comps for QM is still running, just the rules are not that rigid so you won’t have the MM trying to force a comp in your mmr range for 20 minutes.



Since when did QM try to find “Perfect comps”? Are you even sure about the mechanics of the MM in QM?

I’m not sure whether the priority of the MM is the MMR or the comps, but what I do know is that it averages out the MMR in order to create matches quicker.

And you want to get rid of that? Making QM queues end up being 5-10 minutes each?

That wont do any good…

Edit: for the record, I enjoy QM as it is… Sure, I wouldn’t mind if the matchmaking got better in some ways, but I do mind it if it results in extraordinarily long queues…


An even bigger problem is there is a severe shortage of higher MMR players in QM.

If you are 2600+ you will nearly always be matched with people who are 1800-2200.

There is no way Blizzard could ever solve this except by some kind of a mass advertisement for HotS, which eventually produces new players, of which a small % eventually become high MMR players.


Since they changed the roles and made that call of the nexus(?) event? Those rules are still running, every game the MM tries to find tank + healer + ranged + two flex. Because it keeps trying to find that, it expands the queue to a bigger mmr range, and then if it can’t find that, it just throw any roles with any mmr into the game, which is the main problem that leads to stomps in every game, and stomps are not fun not matter if you win or lose.

It prioritizes comps first since that role updates like I said above, it is just not as strict like it used to be, but it still does (confirmed by that official post we got after people complained about 15m queue times in QM).

Averaging MMR is also pretty bad. Imagine maching people who got master experience with people in bronze just to have the same average MMR. That’s EXTREMELY bad. This leads to stomp after stomp after stomp after stomp.

I want to the MM to go back to were it was before, prioritizing MMR first and maybe mirrored roles instead of trying to force perfect comps first/at all. We need to get matched with people that have the same MMR we do or at least close to it. I remember when the MM only tried to do that and QM matches were fun and balanced, even if both teams got 5 assassins. At least people were close in skill level and the matches were fair and way more balanced. Now most games end in less than 10-13 minutes with one team behind 3-4 levels. In all my matches from last year to this year, I can count on my fingers how many of them were actually balanced (in skill level).

No, I don’t want extremely long queues either. I don’t believe QM should have long queues. All I’m suggesting is that the MM tries to match by MMR first instead of trying to find tank + healer + ranged + flex + flex. It could still try to find it, but just don’t expand the queue to find those roles in any MMR range. Just make it so it tries first considering people around same mmr, then if it can’t find a match with comps, just throw people around same mmr with mirrored roles or something, like it used to be.

It might have worked if we were back in 2018 with lots and lots of players, but we have way less players now, so having the MM still trying to force comps is bad, even if it is not strict like it was before. This makes the MM try to find people from any MMR range to force the comp, and if it doesnt, you get 5 assassins vs 5 assassins and players in any mmr range.

Yeah, getting into a game with equal MMR on a team with 5 tanks.

I’d rather not.

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I mean, this is most likely not happening ever. But still, would you rather queue with any hero and have tank + healer + ranged assassin who just have the lowest mmr possible and just feed feed feed into a stomp? Or even if the opposite, you actually win pretty hard in a 13 minute game where the enemy just keeps feeding and you just don’t even do anything and win?

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It can’t happen now. But with comps 100% random it would. I played back when QM WAS completely random, and it did happen on occasion. (And it sucked)

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You want good try-hard comps, go to ranked.


It actually happens quite a lot. 3-4 main tanks, or 3-4 healers, or whatever. When I played back then I never ever got a comp like that, but since call of the nexus, I’m getting them and saw a lot of people complaining here and on reddit as well. Back then when it matched us with mmr and mirrored roles, this hardly ever happened, and when it did, the enemy also got the same roles. Now I’ve seen 4 main tank + 1 healer against a normal comp a lot :confused:

Did you even read the thread? I want the opposite. I don’t want try hard comps, I don’t want ANY comps. I want the QM MM to match us by MMR first instead of throwing players with any mmr, leading to players who have “bronze” mmr to be matched with people who got “diamond/master” mmr.

Imagine if ranked started matching any rank together, that’s how QM is now. It literally doesn’t matter the heroes we got in the match, if we don’t have those 10 players with a similar mmr, games will ALWAYS be stomps left and right.

I normally only play unranked. But I play QM during events. I haven’t had a single 4 tanks or 4 healer comp since the event started. Two tanks is the most I’ve seen.

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Oh, you have some really good luck then!

I have tried to face a 4 tank one healer comp once. But that team was also a 5 man premade. Other then that i can say team comps are never 100% perfect in qm. Like getting solo tank vs 1 tank and bruiser team or mage team vs 2-3 aa heroes.
Heck i have even seen Aba getting matched vs high sustain dps heroes. Or match Murky up against a Butcher.

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This is pure nonsense and would only happen if it’s a group doing it. Not by the matchmaker.

I have literally never ever seen the QM matchmaker put two healers on one team who weren’t grouped together.

I recently started playing on US (former account is 400 at EU) and I barely played 100 games. Curently sitting at 34% winrate because when I had 2400+ MMR I started to get CONSTANTLY matched against player named Kink with 4400 MMR in a party with other players with 3400+MMR. Four out of five of them literally being in Master League.
But yeah thanks Blizzard: we had good team composition with 1700-2000 MMR players against their full 3000+MMR with just as good of a comp.

Currently I’m 2277 MMR, but guess what? Like I said, I have 34% winrate and I am still being constantly matched against teams where I’m the highest MMR in my team and at the same time I’m at least 200 MMR lower then their worst player. I am not even surprised when enemy team has 3600+MMR players against me at this point.

Best thing that I noticed is when Blizzard actually gives me a fair victory by giving me opponents and a team of the same MMR as I am, it usually takes me 1000+ seconds to find a QM. But if I press play and I am in the game against 3000+ MMR opponents from Master League it’s always 15-30 second queue any time of the day.

My friend actually made a screencap yesterday with the loading screen of the match both of us got into. I won’t bother uploading it anywhere, I’ll just list the levels:

Us: 53; 39; 264; 6; 61
Them: 2279; 1156; 1836; 2298; 789

Thanks blizz.

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You know the levels are essentially meaningless, right? It probably means that your team is full of smurfs.

Is there even a point of making smurfs if you are still matched against 2000+ level players anyway?
Still my main problem is that the game still matches players not based on MMR aka skill, but on some stupid idea of favoritism of who should win the next match.
Speaking about that one match: I actually found a replay and the average Team MMR was us 1923 vs them 2330. This is in no way fair and this is my main problem with the game at it’s current state. When I played the game 4 years ago matches never were one sided, but now you either destroy enemy team or get annihilated within 12 minutes of a match.

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Butbit does not…

You know, the mmr based off websites likebheroesprofile isnt accurate.

Not my experience…

In fact it was more snowbally before than it is now…

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If the game doesn’t want you to lose/win after a win/lose streak, then please explain these kind of games. Sometimes I just don’t want to win and have fun in my future games.

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Well, I did, A LOT. I always thought people were queueing together as well, but they were not.

Not really. Even if you won every single game until you got to level 50, you shouldn’t have nowhere a similar mmr that a level 2k has, even if that player is bad. Like, even when I made a smurf, my first game on that account was against players 1k+. Like, literally fresh account, 0 mmr.

Matchmaking is SO bad when it comes to MMR, I doubt it even considers it nowadays just because forcing perfect comps comes first ;/

As someone who has seen almost all iterations of QMs i can say that QM had never been more fun when it had forced comps.

Sure queues were long if you picked something that was not tank and you could be very disavantaged if there was a big gap in skill between the guys playing tank or heal but those games were fun and balanced overall.

5 ranged assassins vs 5 ranges assassins matches are dull no matter if they are balanced or not and let’s face it even if those were balanced people would complain because one team could get the strongest/easiest to play by themselves ranged while the other would get the worst/needing setup and still complain.

I will say again and again we the playerbase threw QM out of thewindow the moment we made the devs backpedal on forced comps.
I don’t know if this is the QM we need but it sure is the QM we deserve and i am glad to know that all those who made the reversion happen suffer in the clownfiesta games they asked for.