No more matchmaking by roles and perfect comps in QM! We need MM by MMR NOW!

Yeah yeah, that’s what I meant. I thought they were together, but after the match ended I checked and they were not.

It still does. The MM still tries to match tank + healer + ranged + flex + flex. You can find the confirmation here:

The MM is still trying to force comps, but the rules are not that rigid anymore, so the MM won’t keep trying to find those comps for 15-20 minutes.

They did remove it, but that’s not even the problem. I’m speaking more about pure MMR. It is really clear when someone is not as skilled as you or is way more skilled. Or even teams. You can tell quite easily what team has more skilled players. The difference is actually big.

Even if the system is trying to average the MMR of both teams, this is still quite bad. Imagine one team having a really good tank player and good healer, and the other team just have good assassins players. This is already a really inbalanced match. One could make a case and say the match was fair if both teams had the weak players on the same roles, but still… I really fail to see what improvement it is to match people from any mmr range just for the sake of finding comps instead of matching them by mmr first, if you find a comp good, if you don’t just give them a match and let them have fun in an equal skill level match.

Yeah I know levels don’t matter. My main point here is that there is clearly a big difference in mmr when it comes to those 10 players in a QM match.