Alan ruined the game with 2.0. It was a complete disaster for everyone except HGC and the wannabes who quit cause HGC was cancelled, like if they mattered, at all.
With K-dog in here, it’s going to be a much better experience for the rest of the gamers.
Ignoring fundamental issues was bad enough but he also pissed away resources and time on things that either didn’t work or the game didn’t need.
Pbmmr was pointless, rank decay only affected 0.0001% of the population when it was released, penalty system was made worse and caused more ppl to leave. hots team let people place gold,plat,dia+ with qm mmr based off of ‘new player’ queue games.
It’s probably not all dabiri’s fault though, he’s the director but he probably didn’t play at all and was taking advice from the engineer/designers. He needed to replace some people and that was his fault.
I think PBMMR had and still has a ton of potential. You would think that the logical way to implement something like this would be to:
Solicit the feedback from your highest ranked playerbase (GM and pros)
Establish some basic metrics for each role that help contribute towards a “performance” bonus (positive and negative)
Test these metrics in a test environment using thousands of games from Hero League
Evaluate the new PRA modifier results and release to live
I’m sure that they either tried to do too much with PBMMR, or did not properly test their logic in a test environment. Whatever the case, it seems they will probably never try again which is really a shame.
My feeling is that if a player consistently dies 15 times or more per game in ranked play, that is a clear indicator that they are placed too high. If a player consistently scores top siege damage, hero damage, and XP in his/her ranked games, that is a clear indicator that they are placed too low.
PBMMR would be a significant step to cure so many of the issues in this game - namely the dilution of skill and lack of acceleration / decline in player ranks, feeling of reward and “fairness” in rank, and overall toxicity. I hope they try again.
Yes I agree with all of this. Lack of rank decay, QM boosting, HL duo queue, smurfing, and now the migration of TL into HL has allowed new and unskilled players to place way too high and has permanently diluted the ranks across every league.
If it were up to me I would change every ranked season to the following instead:
Maximum placement for a new season is Platinum 1.
Eliminate placement games.
Establish a new Performance Rank Adjustment - Values range from +50 to -50 pts. PRA is now based on a small list of very specific metrics by hero role and by certain game events (achieving the takedown to win a game-winning objective, healing a teammate who would have otherwise died which led to a game-winning objective, etc.)
Institute rank decay - If you skip an entire ranked season, your initial seeding will decline the following season.
AFK loss forgiveness - If a player is AFK for > 90% of the ranked game, the winning team still gains pts but the losing team does not lose any pts.
Testing stupid ideas will not make the game better, just the opposite. The more so because the time is over. Players are frustrated, they like HOTS but have enough to ignore the basic game problems. Blizzard adds new problems.
The same applies to changes that change little or nothing.
Ana got a rework because she had one right build, she still has the only right build, just another one.
Abathur is in a similar situation. Locusts are weak, and explosive mines do not have synergies with the talents of levels 13, 16, 20.
Chromie got a rework because the previous rework killed her. They did two reworks instead of focusing on balancing numbers. A huge amount of wasted time.
Lucio seems to be ok, a bit too strong but it’s a matter of numbers.
How many different times do they need to improve QM, it can only get so good. The whole purpose of QM is for ppl who want to get into games quickly, if they slowed it down to make quality team comps, it wouldn’t be QM anymore it would Slowmatch.
and it being a dumpster fire was half the fun. its like queuing 5 supports in a 5 man group but far more random and chaotic. some people just don’t know how to have fun anymore. actually its a lot of people that don’t but qq.