I want to believe that we will get something at Blizzcon, but you know how Activision works… With a lot of new things/games to reveal, it’s quite possible that hots didn’t get a time to present something at Blizzcon. If they release DW now, that is quite possible tbh.
just make sure you have phones
Think that was Alexstrasza and Hanzo event. 2 dragons but I’m hoping for more OW heroes
That was a teaser for D.Va, who people thought it was Deathwing, and was posted back in early 2017.
Alexstrasza and Hanzo were Blizzcon announcement stuff back in late 2017.
OMG Dva is coming to Hots?
my dream come true
Big changes could be coming up at blizzcon. I mean, why else would they reveal something already? They need time to go over all the changes to the game.
I thought you are trolling till i actually checked twitter. Oh the meme game is strong
Diablo got lucky he didn’t get memed to death with DeVa.
We have yet to hear about the solo lane changes that they said they were doing in an AMA during the spring. That alone is enough that we know hots will have a spot at blizzcon.
We get a compensation hero for de ivil motha crystul we got 2 months ago? Please be a hero please be a hero PLEASE
That sounds like fun
Or they can troll us and say it’s another original character.
Next hero is the door.
Finally after 2 years of wait I can finally play as the door.
I can’t wait until they show this new original character trait and abilities, probably will end S tier and get banned in Master level.
Don’t worry, Doorius will be rolling his way into the the ban hammer come December. Stay tuned!
No fair, I’ve been waiting years to play as the toaster.
Nobody likes the door!
oh man, i can’t get my ez wins in the first week release
I do like the door.
Hots development is officially been made in the meme thread now
also, Doorius’ mastery rings will renamed mastery ringrings and will summon the mailman for gold free.