New ranked mode(s)

I remember when I first played a MOBA on Warcraft 3 DOTA custom map. I even had a ban list set up and would have many quality matches.

If you’d ask me what I miss the most from those times? All random mode. Heroes of the Storm needs a RANKED all-random mode. It can have restrictions or not but it needs to happen.

Merge Hero League and Team League for faster queues. Bring either
A) Performance Match making
B) Restrict it how it used to be, no more Grand Masters with bronze/silvers. Grand Masters with Masters or worst case scenarios Diamonds

Heroes of the Storm Free-For-All aka “royale” mode. I am personally holding out on games like battlerite royale in the hopes that Blizzard will take a similar direction with such a beautiful engine and make new fun, challenging, and/or interesting modes.

Overhaul custom games mode, give an in-game stats tracker of brawls or possibly fan-made maps. I would love to play stiches Pull Party or Lunar Racing competitively. I’m serious. They were really fun. Oh yeah the Chromie one ;).

Maps, Heroes, and game changing mechanics might be fun, but not as fun as some of these sound. I do believe its worth discussion.

For that u will need people “actually working” in the game… wich is not the case for HotS,