Only a small percentage of people (the low skill whiners who should all be in draft mode) are getting these supposed “great matches” with a tank and a healer.
The rest of us wait 700s+ and still end up without a tank and a healer. Not that we care for that. My proposal. Allow us to get the “quick match” (DUH!)… without the wait.
Anyone who wants to wait for a perfect match up to suit their bronze playstyle in QM can do that… just leave us out of it.
You gave us Quick Match. IT WAS FINE AS IS. Bring it back.
I would rather have instant 5 assassin yolo than waiting for 5 minutes minimum and getting this:
Hanzo was a silver, the lvl 100 and 300 werent placed ofc, and they played like that. Convincing me that afk soaking (not pushing mind you) was the superior choice and letting the enemy get 3 free turn ins in a row. Im so glad i have a tank and after waiting for almost 5 minutes to play with newbies and silvers.
At least with instant Q i could understand. Waiting for 5-15minutes to get these random games theres no explanation for it.
Exactly. Why does comp matter when the SKILL based matchmaking is thrown totally out of the window? It’s a terrible game either way AND we have to wait for it??? LOL???
Just give us the crappy match without the wait. Thank you.
P. S. Old QM sucked on skill also with the variance but we got used to that. This time around… its just not there. Just go back to the old style. I could deal with that at least I wasn’t falling asleep while in queue.
Just enjoyed Blackhearts Bay where one team had Varian, Muradin, Tyrael, Lili, and Orphea.
It was a blowout. Not even close. NONE of the team died. They just moved as a blob obliterating anything in the path. That team accumulated more than 2x the overall damage as the opposite team.
Heroes of the wipeout remains heroes of the wipeout.
It is bad and I remain steadfast in my belief QM should be deleted as a game mode. It cannot be made fun with the hero lineup and MM in 2018.
people think comps need a warrior and a healer to be “good”. Those people have a severely limited imagination and dont understand the uniqueness of heroes.
There is no such thing as perfect balance and anyone thinking QM will give them something remotely close to that because they got a warrior is fooling themselves
is solo aba heal a good comp? it sure can be but new QM will never let us have that.
Do you think the enemy was more happy about the lvl 100 Valla with over 10 deaths or the Tyrael insisting on solo laning and picking jugdement and slapping me with it on cd?
So glad I waited over 400s to get into this balanced match with a tank and a healer. p.s. Kael had less dmg than Tyrael and Kharazim, barely outdpsed Auriel with 27k to 26k.
Exactly, Quick match after the Lucio patch had random skill ranges BUT at least the Q was instant and you could be like eh, thats why its random, cause you get into games fast and easy.
So in the before times you got instant Q+bad match, now you get 5+minute Qs AND bad matches. wheres the benefit again?
The issue I’m seeing with QM nowadays has nothing to do with how many tanks or healers there are on one team versus the other. It’s having a team full of low-waveclear Rangers against a team of high-waveclear Mages or (former) Specialists because most of them have been lumped together into the same category.
Mages and Rangers need their own separate classes. If the matchmaker can’t tell the difference between Tychus and KT or Zul’jin and Jaina, we’ve got a problem.
Also, for this “500 second” queue times, I’m not seeing any of that in QM. I haven’t even seen a queue time over 1 minute since the change, so maybe that has something to do with what time zone you’re in affecting how many people are on when you play.
You can thank Blizzard for jumping the gun on that and taking the hard way out.
The issue I and many other people had usually wasn’t not having any tanks or healers in a match, it was having 2 tanks vs. none or 3 healers vs. 1. That was what made QM such a cesspool of balance and, as a result of that imbalance, toxicity.
Its really over 500s … I’m in the US. East Coast. where a good majority of the people in the United States live. Furthermore I play at all times of the day and night. I work from home so I can get away with things like this. The 700s+ queue happens no matter what time of day it is.
Wether it is my main plat/diamond account of 8,000 games played or my alts at various levels … 700s+++ … which almost always go to “expanded quick match” search which is essentially when the matchmaker gives up and just rolls anything and even then it has problems doing that …
The setup the way it is now is TOTALLY BROKEN as discussed before. Just because you don’t personally have a problem with it doesn’t mean tons of other players don’t.