New Nexus Anomaly: Call for Help!

HotS is still so incredibly far away from LoL that I actually can’t believe why some people are acting all that nuts about that one change. In HotS you still group up for the objective constantly where you fight your enemies, in HotS you can still easily rotate because even the biggest maps are much smaller than the map in LoL and you also have mounts for much faster travelling in between. In HotS you can still do camps together with other allies and don’t have that one single hero who’s always doing that (like in LoL).

I still don’t get what you base this on. It’s still possible to push a lane with any character in the game, you just have to make sure not to hit enemy heroes near their forts/ towers and have to be careful about getting ganked - like you always had to be. As soon as several enemy heroes were missing from the map it was (and still is) time to leave the offensive position. This isn’t really different right now imo.

After playing most of the heroes that can summon stuff I believe that they should probably change tower/ fort aggro that comes from summons, like Anub’s beetles or Zagara’s roachlings and maybe even Nazeebo’s gargantuan - if those summons randomly decide to attack an enemy hero I don’t think that the towers/ forts should target you as a punishment.

I’m sure there’s also other adjustments that the devs will make, but again, I don’t think that the flavour of meele heroes is gone - I also play a lot of solo laners and the changes only required me to be more aware. And if you get targetted by a tower or a fort you can quickly walk out of range and simply go back in if you like.

I think you may have misread the notes.
“We want fights around the Core to feel like exciting ends to cap off great games, and we feel like we can do more to deliver on that front. To that end, this Seasonal Nexus Anomaly will introduce themed abilities to the majority of non-ARAM Battleground Cores.” "this Seasonal Nexus Anomaly"
I don’t remember where it said every anomaly, but I agree new abilities being added on to the core each new anomaly would be ridiculous.

Oooh, this is an interesting topic! Perhaps maybe tonning down the armor debuf on objectives and reverting the core AI back to normal would give more protection to the powerful objectives you have to earn and allow the core to still be impactful with automatic AOE abilities (Example being the nukes and twisters they mentioned) without adding additional direct target dps! I’d love to continue this string of thought on what we as a community think could be alternatives!

I love this response because you have multiple reasonable options to choose from that are all impactful!

No one likes this, I feel like the game’s already small population will become even smaller, many people will quit this season and wait for this to go away.


Its terrible. Melee assassins, already mostly inferior to their ranged counterparts cant be anywhere near a tower if they want to fight.


That’s just a bad argument, because it’s not practical for all heroes and/or talent.
You noted yourself there is a problem with summons. Sure, that’s an easy fix. But what about multi target auto attacks?, blaze, junkrat, Baleog (from vikings), Raynor’s pepper and Leoric’s swing, Tassadar’s Khaydarin Amulet. Are those heroes(or talent) just dead to the game now? (especially the melee/short range, who can’t escape quickly after)
This is especially bad on a fresh fort, where you don’t have vision behind. Someone could hug the wall and have the turret turn on you. Not much you can do about that, even trying to knock down a wall is risky for the same reason.

And of course, one of the biggest problem is that this does not impact all the heroes equally. Now any hero that depend on abilities that is AoE in nature is at risk. Melee heroes like Sonya get it especially bad if they happen to fall in this case. so much slower tear down efficiency for some but only some heroes. And while it is wrecking havoc on some heroes, it practically does not effect others, such as Li Ming who can still throw ball from far away. It doesn’t matter if it does hit a hero.

And that’s my problem with this change. Because it changes the hero balance at the same time, yet they didn’t really bother to take that into account and release it alongside a full suite of balance change that compensate those who are worse affected and perhaps nerf to those that aren’t impacted at all. Don’t get me wrong, there have always been meta heroes and meh heroes, but now it’s being pushed to the extreme. And that just feels lazy. They didn’t think about consequence on a detailed level at all.

Could the game stabilize in a good direction eventually? Maybe. But that would still never excuse effectively killing off the viability of some heroes/talents as a result of pure shortsightedness/laziness.


Well it’s a matter of how much they want to change/ adjust heroes to the anomaly and how much they want this to be a new feature. The difference between aoe abilities or aoe/ splashing auto attacks and uncontrollable summons is that you don’t have the chance to avoid random tower/ fort aggro at all if your beetle decides to bite an enemy hero out of nowhere.

I agree that this will make it harder for plenty of heroes but it does not make them dead at all. Pushing is a major and important aspect of the game for sure, however objectives, skirmishes and big teamfights are still even bigger features from my point of view. You simply can’t brainlessly roflstomp an entire team with a pushing objective or certain comps when they were defending their own fort while being behind or slightly outnumbered or when you had enough summons on your team. Yet you still have ways as a hero with the abilities you’ve mentioned to continue to push, you just have to be more deliberate.

Again I think it’s a matter of how much they want to adjust all existing heroes to the change and how much they want this to be an actual feature. Like when movement speed was slightly increased across the board and they only buffed a handful of skillshots because they wanted to make the game more fast paced again and at the same time they brought many ranged auto attackers back into the game in a skillshot-dominated meta - which was a great change in my opinion. If they had adjusted the speed of all skillshots the game would’ve barely changed.

See, I for one believe that the main reason why they didn’t go for additional balance changes alongside the anomaly is that they are waiting on feedback and want to see in which direction the community wants this change to go overall. Remember how, I believe 2 weeks after the new xp globes were released, they made fundamental adjustments to them alongside plenty of additional balance changes? Them waiting how this anomaly is being received among the community gives me an even stronger feeling that they base following changes on feedback. And I’m sure we will see them coming in a few weeks from now.

Nice absolute. I like the anomaly.
Now go and learn how to have a discussion.

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Why do you like it? Plenty of people have told you why they dis like it.


have you had a single game yet that ended before one (probably both) of the teams reached lvl 20? where is the strategic insight into that? pick zul jin, naz and ktz and just win the game?!? is that fun? is that fair?
You are saying the devs should wait for responses from the community and then apply gradul changes that make the game more fair, I think right now we’re in an awful situation where melee heroes are getting shafted because fence towers make it impossible for them to push, those fence towers were changed to solve the problem of “diving” which makes no sense because diving is almost always done after the fence towers are already destroyed anyways. I am suggesting a very easy fix to the problem that still maintains your “solution” to diving in the form of very strong keeps and forts being able to punish you when you try to dive.
You’ve done nothing but disagree with this notion and kept telling everyone that this is a fair change that needed to happen even if it is ruining the game for a whole load of players. Rather then “patiently waiting for a solution” and telling people how amazing this change is, how about you get off your high horse and start advocating for a change that solves the problem that existed without creating a way bigger problem that makes half of the heroes unplayable

And if plenty of people tell me that they dislike apples I’m also supposed to dislike apples?
I like it because it makes defending easier, even if you are alone AND the enemy has a big minion wave going on. Take a hit intentionally and they have to bail. This in turn encourages not leaving your structures unattended.

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So why and what specifically do you likke about it being easier to defend.

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In your world, apples will soon cease to exist :slight_smile:

So here, lets break this down because some of you have problems with reading in depth critical explanations.

If you play melee, especially a bruiser/tank you ADAPT by playing a Assassin. Ranged assassins, which were not bad to begin with, now have none of the downsides of melee assassins or terrible bruisers/tanks.

This isn’t ‘oh just play a tank in XYZ boring way’. We literally can just stop playing tanks and bruisers. Why attempt to play a inferior class? What advantage do they bring to the table anymore when they spend half the game getting locked out of lanes? Just for teamfights and players that don’t pay attention to the mininmap? You can do that with assassins!

If they want to keep this change:
-Remove gates
-Remove destroyable walls
-Remove towers
-Remove armor pen
-Remove damage buff to forts
-Rebalance objective damage for less assets to destroy

Then you have something comparable to what is in LoL for bruisers and tanks. And guess what? It’ll be extremely boring as well, but still better then this.

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also getting really sick and tired of games lasting 20+ minutes and then coming down to who makes a mistake and who gets the objective after that mistake. Doesn’t matter if you’re 3 forts and 3 keeps ahead, make one mistake, the opponent gets dk and ends because the dk has become a practical god after 27 minutes of people not being able to finish out games.

What kind of argument is this?? :rofl:
“Change another x things and there you have it: HotS is LoL now!”
Why in the world would they do that? What are you even saying?

Meele assassins and tanks aren’t inferior because of this patch, they simply need to be more careful around towers and forts, that’s the big effect on them; however especially tanks still offer crucial CC and sustain that makes it possible to win fights in the first place. Winning games without tanks is pretty much impossible. And most bruisers/ meele assassins are still the best solo laners in 95% of all cases, while other meele assassins are still great for teamfights to secure objectives or to simply do a lot of damage to buildings while pushing.

I get it, you don’t like the changes but don’t spread such mindless imbecility.

they already made it into lol for bruisers and melee assasins by taking away all their pushing potential. He’s just saying that if they are turning it into lol, he at least wants a balanced version of it where the bruisers and assasins are also allowed to participate.
“no you’re not allowed to participate in laning at all but hey you can still be important in teamfights” is exactly how it works in a lot of other moba’s and that’s exactly why they’re so incredibly boring. Unless the map you play is hanamura, melee heroes aren’t good solo laners because they don’t have any space to work with.
This hasn’t dawned yet for most players but lunara actually craps on most people in lane. Also since ranged heroes tend to scale better than melee heroes (especially naz and ZJ), they fall even further behind with every game lasting 20 minutes.
After playing for some more I reached the conclusion that melee assasins getting boring isn’t even the worst problem of this patch, it’s that the games get so ridiculously long that the objectives get the chance to become absolutely destructive and that since no one can finish the games in the first 20 minutes, and death timers are like 70 seconds after that, that one death can easily result in the game being completely switched around and switched from a built up victory where you were dominating for 15 minutes into a stupid loss because someone made a mistake. Horribly dissatisfying, especially if it happens every game.

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I’ll say it one last time for you: this tower change isn’t solely making LoL out of HotS and the suggestion of the other guy to change plenty of other core features that separate the buildings from HotS from the ones in LoL to make it more like LoL is showing how far away the structures are still from LoL.

Sorry to hear that you are unable to adjust your playstyle to the changes and just continue to copy and paste your (empty) arguments over and over again without ever actually responding to any of the plenty suggestions that I and several others have made.

Absolutely untrue and I’ve told you that 10 times now. You can still lane and siege, you just have to change your playstyle

tell me how you siege with malthael in braxis please.

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