Yeah, I mean, energy management is just part of her kit. The rework added extra active tools. If you’re having trouble, you just need to practice not spamming your Q without thought. Changing her to just be able to constantly heal is silly.
Here are some things you can do.
- Stop healing everything to full. Health globes, passive health regen, hero self sustain is a thing.
- Heal in medium bursts and then stop when things are not dire. Heroes who are in good health do not instantly die unless they are collapsed on by the whole enemy team. In which case, use your shield and grenades. Liberal and smart usage of those two abilities can also be used to increase your regen time.
- Just because you got back energy, doesn’t mean you have to immediately use it. Try to squeeze out as much rest time before you start healing again. I see this a lot in Morales, after wasting their energy healing, the second they get a little energy back, they use it up and stop the regen cycle again.
You will have moments to just stop before you go completely out of energy. Other healers have cooldowns that don’t require them to constantly heal. The same is true of Morales (unless you’re playing against heavy AOE comps). Just because you can heal, doesn’t mean you have to.
The biggest drain on energy is just keeping up your beam on people whether they need it or not all the way until she gets to zero energy. This is extremely wasteful and perpetually keeps you from getting into the regen cycle.
I’m not the biggest fan of the way Medidrone works currently either, but you tend to pick it against AOE heavy comps. You just try to be proactive with damage and then heal another target that is low but not currently the focus target, then switch back once safeguard is over. It’s a bit convoluted and you have to hope your focus target isn’t that bad, that you need the extra healing, but if you’re using shield smart, it’s usually just fine and maximizes healing.
If you still want regen on safeguard, pick cellular reactor.