I don’t know how they do it. Blizzard must have a special department dedicated to ruining heroes. They patched Morales, but forgot one small little detail. Morales needs to generate energy to heal. So how to do it now? Basic attacks? On a Tracer or a Li-Ming? Disengage from the team fight and wait for the energy bar to increase? Or my favorite- use the grenade to generate energy, which means you can’t use it on minion waves in the meantime because you need to wait to use it on heroes to generate energy when they show up. Safeguard not generating energy is of course the biggest joke and linking Safeguard to Healing Beam just doesn’t work, because your primary target usually needs armor and healing. The only silver lining here is that you can still win against Whitemane, because that hero has no mana to work with. Please for the love of God fire the person that does these hero designs- I beg you! Standing around with no energy after ten seconds is no fun for Morales players.
Wtf? She doesn’t lose her energy at all right now.
she has 1000000 more ways to generate energy now, what do you mean…
She lost only 1 energy regen per second baseline and got an entire talent tier dedicated to energy recovery in exchange, all of which are fairly strong on their own.
If you’re energy starved, you’re either not managing your Healing Beam properly or you’re not using whichever of those 3 talents you picked properly.
Uh yes? Caduceous Feedback is still the most consistent way to generate energy, that hasn’t changed.
Whats stopping you from basic attacking a Tracer or Li Ming? They can’t dodge AAs
Or you know, stop channeling for 2 seconds if you take Life Support. She hasn’t changed how she generates energy, you’re still required to stop channeling her Q.
Then don’t pick that talent? Saves your mages from having their targets displaced on CD by you just to get energy.
There’s literally a talent that generates energy from Safeguard. I don’t understand what you mean by linking her Healing Beam and Safeguard? Do you mean medidrone? Be specific.
Alone? Yeah no, you don’t deal enough damage to make her burn her mana. She can keep her Zeal up without burning her desperation.
Stop over blowing the rework (it’s not even that big of a rework compared to changes they gave to Dehaka, Artanis, and Falstad, and they don’t call those reworks). It’s a fine rework, it’s not perfect, but now she has more tools to generate energy and keep her ally up. Not to mention she’s a semi global now with medivac.
Also you literally start regeneration after 2 seconds. Not 10.
Yeah, I mean, energy management is just part of her kit. The rework added extra active tools. If you’re having trouble, you just need to practice not spamming your Q without thought. Changing her to just be able to constantly heal is silly.
Here are some things you can do.
- Stop healing everything to full. Health globes, passive health regen, hero self sustain is a thing.
- Heal in medium bursts and then stop when things are not dire. Heroes who are in good health do not instantly die unless they are collapsed on by the whole enemy team. In which case, use your shield and grenades. Liberal and smart usage of those two abilities can also be used to increase your regen time.
- Just because you got back energy, doesn’t mean you have to immediately use it. Try to squeeze out as much rest time before you start healing again. I see this a lot in Morales, after wasting their energy healing, the second they get a little energy back, they use it up and stop the regen cycle again.
You will have moments to just stop before you go completely out of energy. Other healers have cooldowns that don’t require them to constantly heal. The same is true of Morales (unless you’re playing against heavy AOE comps). Just because you can heal, doesn’t mean you have to.
The biggest drain on energy is just keeping up your beam on people whether they need it or not all the way until she gets to zero energy. This is extremely wasteful and perpetually keeps you from getting into the regen cycle.
I’m not the biggest fan of the way Medidrone works currently either, but you tend to pick it against AOE heavy comps. You just try to be proactive with damage and then heal another target that is low but not currently the focus target, then switch back once safeguard is over. It’s a bit convoluted and you have to hope your focus target isn’t that bad, that you need the extra healing, but if you’re using shield smart, it’s usually just fine and maximizes healing.
If you still want regen on safeguard, pick cellular reactor.
When your target is at 75-80% Stop healing and regen your energy.
Pic, “Cad. Feedback” and AA tanks.
Pick “Life support” and you have more energy that regenerates faster. The previous talent ywould grant you some energy if the target of your safeguard took damage. But you have no control over if your teamate will stay engaged or not, or how much damage they’ll take.
I don’t think it’s possible for a player to now be running out of energy, solely due to the “Life support” change.
True. Life support is a great change for Morales.
Btw where was you phaseshifter? We missed you during our 2 matches.
What? Which matches?
I guess you’re tired?:
Oh, I’m in the NA one. As far as I know there’s no date for it yet.
Based on your statement in the topic above you wasn’t clear about it, but at least we know it now…
Ana pointed the NA players to the other game. I think they wanted it EU players only.
Sami was there, Hoku was there and lucifer… and we expected you to come. But nevermind.
Or the enemy has a lot of AoE, which makes Morales a completely useless character. The amount of times you have to hearth for HP when you have a morales because she can only heal one person at a time and drains to 0% after healing two people is just delightful.
If you’re standing in the fire that often, then it isn’t Morale’s fault she can’t heal you fast enough. There aren’t many Healers who could.
I’ve played Morales a fair bit, and in my opinion, I’m quite good at her. Even in ARAM, I have little-to-no trouble keeping up unless my teammates have no self-preservation instinct. It really isn’t that hard, you just need to know who to prioritize and when to ping your team to back up.
Also, pressing your D key turns off Healing Beam, so you don’t need to worry about delaying your energy regen by healing a full-health target. That’s something a frighteningly large number of Morales players don’t seem to know.
Don’t play that game, man. You be can a top tier player and still take massive spamming AoE damage from a Gul’dan, Meph, or Orphea.
You can’t just ‘not take damage’. It’s going to happen. And when everyone on your team is at 20% health, you have no choice but to hearth.
Being close and personal to Tracer as your team’s main healer is not a good idea. It is a sure fire way to run up a death as she focuses you and then unloads a pulse bomb on you. You need a very good tank or allied CC/zoning to keep her under control and away from attacking Morales.
Li Ming can be both dive and back line. If dive then she can be auto attacked as normal by Morales, no issue. However if she is back line or does not want to dive then Morales cannot get her into auto attack range. Given that morale’s main weakness is sustained healing and backline Li Ming is largely about sustained damage, Morales being unable to attack her back is not good, especially if she is the only hero around (e.g. defending a wall).
That and Whitemane is one of the highest hero damage healers. Duelling her with Morales, one of the lowest hero damage healers who might not even be able to heal herself effectively, is close to suicidal.
What do you mean by Morales’ weakness is sustained healing? And Li-Ming is burst damage, it’s why she has skill shots that can be dodged, and literally her trait to reset for more burst.
AAing a Li-Ming is generally not a good idea because her range is longer than your AA. So to be able to do that, the Li-Ming would have to be extremely out of position, or you are to get focused by their frontline. Dodging missiles is considerably harder the closer range she is.
AAing a Tracer is fine when she dives on you, and she probably will. Putting up a safeguard on yourself will usually be enough to save you. But you certainly shouldn’t chase her when she’s not in range.
Either way, they’re kind of silly scenarios because you can usually AA the enemy tank relatively safely without resorting to attacking the range assassins depending on the comp.
If you can’t avoid enough AoE damage to avoid overtaxing your Morales, having a different Healer won’t help.
Morales has one of the highest healing outputs in the entire game, even when compared to AoE healers like Lucio.
Her baseline 172 HPS, which can last for 16 seconds, is literally higher than most heroes’ AA DPS, even including heroes like Valla or Raynor.
Lucio averages 37 HPS when factoring in Amp It Up’s 3 second healing boost. He has to be healing all 5 heroes on his team the entire time to achieve a total healing output higher than Morales’, and if one of his teammates is already full health he can’t just switch his healing over to the next target.
People act like AoE damage is a crippling weakness for Morales, but it really isn’t any more than it is for Tyrande or Whitemane (without Scarlet Aegis).
You have to do this with Tyrande. And Malfurion, and Whitemane. And sometimes Kharazim, Brightwing, and Auriel.
You do not have to do this with Morales unless you are out of mana or are both hopelessly impatient and want to actually waste more time than by just being patient.
Morales’ sheer HPS can let her heal heroes like Valla from empty to full in under half her energy bar. Her energy regen is also nothing to scoff at, especially with her new level 1, so where you’d definitely need to B when other Healers run out of mana, you instead only have to wait a couple seconds for Morales to get back around to you.