New Idea for Ranked

For all of those trolls that keep purposely going AFK, or throwing / feeding because they got their feelings hurt, the person in draft doing their own thing picking a murky when we need a healer or tank, I have a new idea how to solve these issues and it would be decently easy I believe for Blizz to do this.

Have a button in place somewhere that will auto block that person from ever being in a party with you again.

The more people we block who are clearly trolling and trowing will slowly be pushed out and not able to play in ranked.

The idea here is simple. If you troll , throw this is the consequence. If you play to win and work with your team, even if your solo laning, you have nothing to worry about.

BLizz can you do this… what do you as devs think of this idea to finally get these people out of ranked ? Anyone thoughts ?


Fantastic idea. Never before proposed and not exploitable at all.


“not exploitable at all”

It would not be exploitable for this reason: Somone on your team trolls/throws, you auto block, they cant ever be in YOUR grp again forever. This doesnt mean they wont be on the other team.

If enough people auto block these people then eventually they will no longer be able to play in ranked mode because they will never be able to get in the vast groups who have auto blocked them from GROUPING with them.

Great idea, but what if the “troll” blocks you for any reason at all? it works both ways. so instead of troll is getting blocked, it will be you getting blocked. So maybe in 10 games the same person is getting auto block has a perm ban from ranked ? or if 3 out of 5 of your team agre to auto block this person. it will alert some guy at blizzard. I dont have the answer, but the idea should be worked on.

It would be counter productive for a troll to auto block because it would just limit them self more and more getting into a group in q.

As a side note you would not be able to use this feature to dodge others in ranked. Its only for those who would party with you, not face against.

I do not understand why they allow players that have been on your block list to be matched with you in the first place. People try to claim that it creates favoritable match ups but really you are just wanting to avoid having that same player rage afk or troll the first time someone dies on the team.

Yes it would make ranked a much better experience.