New Hero after Anduin?

Last year they specifically said they wouldn’t be doing double releases anymore.

That is simultaneously disappointing and encouraging.

I suspect some of you gentlemen/ladies have already seen this, but it may be related to this topic

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Well that’s dissapointing. Did they elaborate how it was ‘not fun’? I’m just curious since Blizzard isn’t really known for their good decision making skill.

he might be talking about this part from one of the devs

“I still don’t feel like Ragnaros, I love playing as the raid boss, it’s cool when I summon him in, but when I lock-in Ragnaros as my hero, I don’t want to play as Majordomo.”

or this

Number two, the only time you ever saw Ragnaros was when you were losing. He was a stationary core hero, so you never saw him except for his global abilities, and that felt horrible.

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Yep, and like I keep saying here and there, all those issues really wouldn’t apply to the Overmind.

Playing as a Zerg Swarm would feel like you’re the OM, so it’s not “I chose Ragnaros, but got the Majordomo instead”. Plus, since the Swarm doesn’t speak, I’d imagine the player would get responses from the OM (and see its… face? in the corner), so it’s less of a “you only see him when you lose” situation, too.

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Keep replacement would be the better choice, mostly because Alterac Pass brings issues for anything messing with the core and you could implement more than one Keep-replacement Hero at a time.

Also, replacing Keeps (and Forts) instead means you could have the Hero directly replace destroyed Keeps/Forts, undoing the passive XP and Catapult spawn and, for the first Keep, the Core vulnerability. So they have to either tear down a second Keep or go through the Keep-replacing Hero each time to open up the core.

This does set a bit of a “floor”, as the first Fort/Keep essentially doesn’t count at all unless they take valuable time to burst down a Hero routinely, one designed specifically with area domination of one sort or another in mind that makes approach a risky affair.

And it also makes taking that first Fort/Keep a much bigger pain, because it has several thousand extra health to sheer off, which may well be back loaded so you have to destroy the Fort/Keep before you can kill the Hero, and in the mean time they’re hammering you with whatever lane-domination powers they were gifted, alongside their team’s efforts to prevent the building from dying.

This might be good since, as you print out, you can have multiple stationary heroes, butttt, replacing keeps just doesn’t feel significant and omnipotent/omnipresent for a character like Overmind or C’thun in my opinion.

For alterac pass, I propose any stationary heroes that replaces the core should instead become some sort of parasite similar to Abathur’s symbiote. Alterac Pass can have them control the core itself but still restricted to the zone there. Visually, I propose making them cover the Core’s heads.

2019: Blizzard: A new hero every three month.
People: ok, it’s not the best. But you’re the boss, and this game continue.
Blizzard: First Imperius!
People: Great! Amazing!
Blizzard: Second Anduin!
People: Great!!
Blizzard: Third Qhira!
People: WTF???
I use to enjoy hoping about future
new heroes, reading ideas about this, and checking for suggested names pf characters that i didn’t knew. Now i have no motivations for doing it, it has no sense.
What i hope is that this new character will represent a good continuation for the game itself. But if it just the appearance of new characters from the imagination of a new universe, and no heroes from Blizzard’s ones with great stories behind, i really prefere playing LoL, which has a lot more characters of Qhira’s characteristics.