New Hero after Anduin?

Actually they should release Grom Hellscream now. I was thinking about Blizzcon but hype for him is massive at the moment.

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We definitely may see something next week, I hope.


If you want to make a second Zealot that’s still unique, take the giant axe zealots from LotV.

Inb4 Sigma comes to the nexus before Overwatch /s


:smirk: Wonder how the sales pitch would go. Like:

“Get more Overwatch content than Overwatch itself. Only in Heroes Of The Storm! :raised_hands:

If only. Their previous attempt at cross promotion didn’t work out so well for HotS.

L’eroe c’è vorrei sarebbe selendis o talandar

They need a new tank, we always seen the same ones, diablo and garrosh banned and we get to actually see mura and arthas or anub.

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A main tank addition hasn’t been able to shake things up for long. People like to stick with the fotm “op” tank. Mal’ganis briefly threw a wrench in that, but quickly fell out of favor. As seen with anub’arak, all it took was some number changes to sky rocket him to the top, and see diablo’s winrate plummet. Given how small the tank pool is, I generally see all of them at some point or another during draft games. The least popular one being cho’gall of course.

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Main tanks are hard to design and keep different from each other. You need a reliable CC, a reliable engagement tool, a reliable survivability tool, and not much damage. It’s a niche spot to fill.

i want moira, probebly not going to happen cause we already got a healer. i also want vajsh but if she is coming she has to be a support so i kinda dont want her to come out yet. garommash should make his appearance soon but we already got a wc hero and the next one is most likely not a wc hero so that kinda rolles out a pit lord and another dreadlord which were the next heroes on my list gabriel tosh could be fun so is reinheart or symetra i just hope its not sombra i dont like sombra mei i geuss would be the next on the list than talendar sargeras and kiljadon/archemond/jerraxxes/eledar/whatever

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If we were only allowed to have one healer from each franchise, it’d be a very small roster. Besides, we already have two of them. Why not add a third? The possible talents for her kit are endless


Uh hello? Overmind and Mengsk. Iconic villains all the way. Overmind : unique gameplay mechanic, replace core. Mengsk: being his conniving genius self

For overwatch I would love to see Moira and Sombra.

Warcraft would have to go to DEATHWINGGGGGGG. Ult can be to crack the map itself.

Diablo? Baal just to complete the prime trio. Him or Natalya.

Another Blizzard Classic hero. For an original hero, I want the guy and girl from that comic. The lady of Thorn’s kids if I recall correctly.


This’ll be a lot harder without Grandmaster DJPea, but we should combine our powers to summon the next hero teaser. By all accounts, it should be today, so let’s get the summoning going.

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Maybe tomorrow, but in a rare occurrence we may get something today.

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Hopefully the teaser will be this weekend.


soon the Blizzard would have posted the hero’s teaser (I hope Arctur Mengsk).We are waiting .

I’m at least hoping it’s Starcraft. If it is; I’m hoping Tosh, Karax or Izsha depending on what race we get.

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Blizzard has already said that Ragnaros is the closest we’ll ever get to a core replacement hero, and that he plays the way he does because they found that replacing the core was not fun.

We may not get anything until Blizzcon just so they can still do the traditional double hero announcement.