New forum syntax guide & details about Trust levels

Well, so far I haven’t seen anyone with less than 15k posts read that has it, so maybe it was lowered to 15k.

If that’s the case… I don’t feel so bad about artificially inflating my post read count by mindlessly scrolling…

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Yeah ok now i got the power of Wiki Posts

Don’t abuse it, you will regret it, also you can post pics so yeah.

What are Wiki Posts? XD

A post that everyone can change, which, is a bit skeptical seeing how there are those people out there

The one is replying to you, you can edit it! I have edited this post. - DJPea

I’m so regretting this -SamiSha

Why - DJPea

Because trolls can actually you know, abuse the hell out -SamiSha
Guys this is pretty cool! TIME TO GRIND -Kelsier

Good luck! -SamiSha

Play time is over, thank you for joining this pointless wiki to explain how it works.


Crap this new forum system


Lol wut, Minky has level 3 already? I got better stats except the likes given. Can’t beat that. Maybe that’s the secret, but I have a feeling it’s more of a complex rollercoaster system based on the number of flags you get. I’m sure I got a good number of haters :joy:

Secretly the discourse forums are an MMO RPG.

At least MMORPGs show your progress.


Err, Hardcore mmo rpg.

There’s nothing that can be done, I had all the requirements on the Overwatch forums and 15 days have passed for me, still didn’t get my trust level, the only thing we can think is a ban could have affected to reach that level, but then again DJPea got banned 3 times and here he is posting images so I honestly have no idea what could be the reason, Drothvader took to him to like some posts and he got it afterwards.

I just went and liked around 50 random posts and then it was granted.

I’m not sure I fully understand all of the requirements.


Me either. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Take this guide as a general thing. It doesn’t work exactly as specified.

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If only we had a list of the requirements for each level revealed to us while also showing your current trust level so we don’t need figure out everything based on blogs and .json files would have been really great.

Perhaps people earn trust levels based on reaching a trust point threshold, which goes up upon completing qualifying forum actions and goes down upon receiving forum penalties.

Yes, I have read that bans lower your trust levels in big quantities, the question is… how times were you banned?

Define “banned” :thinking: