New event/skins suggestion "nexus themed event"

I would like to suggest something that wasn’t atemped before by the dev team, a nexus themed event. This event would involve the realm lords and their constant conflicts and wich characters are the realm lords hero/champions of choice.

For the Raven Lord that would be of course Medivh, Raven Court Medivh to be exact
For the Grave Keeper it could be Xul maybe he could be wearing some kind of cult robe or something (Kel’thuzad or Leoric could work as well i guess, now that i think about it a KT skin with a hood and a diferent robe would be cool, Necromancer KT maybe?)
For Neithis could be Anub’arak with a spider like skin, he already have his cocoon ultimate ability
For the Lady of Thorns can be Alexstrasza with a King’s Crest armor, in dragon form she could have armor as well (cause DRAGONS of course)
For Queen Nightshade either Malfurion or Lunara can work just fine, for Malfurion a diferent robe covered in leafs and a diferent staff could be just fine, for Lunara a battle armor with a diferent spear maybe one with a rose
For Blackheart could be pirate Murky or sea monster Murky with a glow orb on his head like how some deep sea fish have on their head or Lil Kraken Murky (where’s Lady Vashj when you need her?)
And for Ka… Nazeebo? With some kind of anubis or pharaoh mask and a mummified gargantuar

This event made me think about the lack of banners in the games, this event could include the realm lords banners.
Maybe most people don’t care about banners, but i think they’re great and easy way to represent what you like or what you stand for.
I found weird that we didn’t get a Scarlet Crusade banner when Whitemane came out, or why we didn’t got a Naaru banner when Yrel came to the game. I think they we’re good oportunities to introduce some new banners.

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