New coop hero Carrier

protoss Carrier

two player hero like the first 1
this carrier has a laser array that the first person uses to fight with

2nd player uses fighters and can run the normal fighters as well as bombers must swap to bombers for increased building damage

ability 1 player
Warp Vector = allows the carrier to instantly warp back to the spawn this replaces the normal fall back and 1 ability slot
All power to Weapons= increases damage to the guns giving the 1st player increased damage but lowers the 2nd players fighter launch speed
All power to shields = increases power to the shields allowing the carrier to recharge shields while fighting
All Power to Support Systems = increases the speed of all player 2 ability

Player 2 ability
Swap to fighters/bombers
replaces the warp back to base spot as well as one ability slot
fighters and bombers have long range but need to launch with a stationary carrier player 2 is limited in fighters and bombers and only has around 25 of each once their all dead you have to rtb back to spawn to renew this limit

Barrier placement generator=
allows the player to place down a shield that stops all ranged fire
Zealot charge=
sends down a warp pylon that spawns in a wave of 4 zealots
For ayor
for ayor spawns a warp pylon and spawns a huge wave of zealots and spider pew pews [sorry I forgot their name ^_^]

the kalla protects us
this activates a perma shield as long as player 2 has energy this allows you to except death but you can still be targeted by cc and slow