New account - 70% winrate and 3/3 placement games won - Silver 4

It is easier cause you are in a party, Parties climb super easy in this game unless you are a 5 man.

Just your opinion. Blizzard said they give party’s a MMR penalty to balance this out ,so no parties aren’t better. The level of coordination and communication matters a lot

Wins/ looses give you in promo games and after up to 500 points. If you got placed into silver 5 with let’s say 700 points than your starting MMR seeded from QM was silver 5 with with 200 points. You won 2, lost 1 that’s +500. So everything basically goes back to your QM MMR which you can’t see.

Remember blizzard forces 50% win rate and will match you with trolls or with game thrower or against other premades, if you are the premade this almost ever happens.