Nerf falstad please

if you went motn then my chicken is deader than a turkey in november

Personally, I think gust is silly OP, but hinderlands? Or lightning rod?

Bruh you think those need nerfs?

lol nerf falstad troll post

Gain 15% increased Movement Speed after not taking damage for 6 seconds.

Well to start you or an ally need to hit him.
It becomes more manageable from there.

To be fair, that’s a bit difficult if you are a melee with no point and click gap closers. Sure hitting him with a skillshot is possible, but he can dash outta there. It sounds easy, but sometimes depending on who you are playing as, it just won’t happen.

And relying on allies on that… I mean sure they could help, but I generally assume they are dumb

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Falstad has all the tools he needs to keep valeera at bay. He will die easily if he makes a mistake, but otherwise he is very well equipped to deal with her

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And valeera also has tools to beat him.
It is an even match up reliant on skill.

Even if it was not do you complain for all those mages valeera has an easier time dealing with than the other way around?


This thread reminds me of the Azmodan laser complaints back when the laser would last indefinitely.
“You cannot outrun him”
No, but you can simply hit his face and discourage him from staying near you.

Anyway, this is a typical assassin vs assassin matchup. Whoever gets the jump on the other is in an incredible advantage state and the loser has to retreat out face death.


Let me guess - Raynor?

as a stealth main well Nova / Valeera mostly idc about ZeraLUL who can blink 10000 times and run etc whatsoever i mostly enjoy Nova / Valeera however as a Valeera vs Failstad i never had issues with dealing with him even if you engage him in stealth he can’t reveal you cause he only got 1 skill which is his Q and you can dodge it so easily he can’t use lightning rod on you if you’re not revealed however as soon as you dodge Q he can’t do anything to you. he’ll either E away before you’re in range to silence him and melt him down or he’ll just stand there turn his brain offline and die

Valeera owns Failstad so hard if Valeera dies to Failstad then welp time to Practice more!

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Right. Falstad has the advantage over Valeera. Gotcha.

Honorable mention: I have good success against this bird with Genji. Nice Necro Hallec.

Completly true. This stupid W triggers on u even when u are out of the ring. It needs nerf ASAP, gust also. Falstad was OK he didnt need boost. But lets boost already OP s**