Need an explanation

The point of my comment is that you won’t lose your skills even if you stopped playing it for a while. As in how to play the game. Learning a fight is different, and very specific skill.

Sadly, you still don’t understand how hitboxes work. The WoW hitboxes are the same thing like it is in HOTS. You target anywhere on the character model for single target spells. While AOE is purely ground based, and every model has it’s own hitboxes around its feet. There is no aiming in WoW cept for AOE ground-based skills. If I click on a target and cast a spell, I will never miss, and I am at the mercy of the RNG Blizz is so proud of. There is no skill here.

You mentioned shooters, and those have hitboxes that ARE the models of the characters. You aim at the leg, you hit the leg, and each body part reacts in a different way. There is skill here.

This is a load. Sounds like you never looked. I played WoW since open beta till 2 months into BFA, and I was glad to drop it.
Owning stock in Blizz and not play any other games? If you’re happy with that, fine. I support and spend my money on good products whether or not I have stock in them or it’s competitors. This is how companies improve by trying to one-up the competition.

You came here ignoring a whole lot of explanations. Which is the point of your thread.

Again, WoW has latency, always had. WoW never worked in real time. HOTS models and WoW models are the same in how they work. Problem here is one is 3D while the other is 2D. You also can select the model in HOTS with a point and click. When you aim skills you aim for the feet. Same with WoW.

You should’ve studied instead of playing WoW, maybe you would understand what the entire thread is telling you. So be it. Don’t play anything but Blizz games. Don’t worry about hitboxes since you’re unwilling to learn what they are.

Huniepop, really? That is a point and click game. There is about 100 just like it without the nakey cat girls.

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Ye you right. Just like the game I had now. Convection KT feeding 1-7, Valla spam pinging whole game and his Aba friend is hiding in spawn doing nothing. Mei afk half the game and are not even tanking. Just afk around and ley her team die.

All the good players has left and we are left with the remaining trolls.

And when I check replay through to check what people said it it just amaze me how much Valla tried to win the game while Mei said she did not care cause why should i help you if you dont help me mentallity.


And when I later on lost the game and checked profile of Mei and KT behold. 40% winrate Mei with plat 5 rank and silver 4 KT with 30% winrate and 1.8 kda. Its amaze me to watch people with this low kda are not banned yet for feeding imao.

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Your issue is not with games or mechanics at all. From your therapeutic venting I gather the issue is with your territory of mainstay escaping is eroding and RL must contain some challenges you arent happy to deal with.

I wish you the strength and the best of luck in quelling your inner dissatisfaction and if you make any headway I promise you’ll see a marked improvement in patience with enjoying your games regardless of player behaviors or frustrating mechanics

Well if you want me to talk studying, straight 4.0 freshman year of college with all online classes, made the deans list twice so idk how I can improve on that. And about hitboxes, I play a warrior and outside of I think 4 moves, I can’t do damage to someone without being close to them. For steam, I’ve checked steam out and haven’t found anything that is fun to me. Huniepop was the only game I liked due to the fact I didn’t have to deal with people and the previous mentioned being in control of everything but after the first couple times playing it, it doesn’t really change. I have 26 or so games attached to my steam account and most of them I played a few times and never really enjoyed. Now granted one of the games is Kovaaks, which is just an aim trainer but still I have a decent amount of games with steam. For my logic on only playing blizz games and more specifically WoW is I am not some bandwagon jumper. Everyone I know that plays games jump to the new hot game and then stop playing after 2 weeks. I get Final Fantasy isn’t new but that seems to be where most of the WoW streamers are going to. Most people wouldn’t have the will to play a game for 12 years straight. As much as I don’t like HOTS the few people that still play the game, I tip my hat to since it seems like blizzard doesn’t really focus that much on HOTS. But if you’re going to take personal shots all because I don’t know the inter workings of a game then you’re the one that needs help. I’ve clearly stated I don’t understand hitboxes and the explanations still don’t help me and that I suck at 99.9% of the video games created. If I asked you what Game Theory means in economics I wouldn’t expect you to understand and may not until multiple explanations or examples and I wouldn’t criticize you for it.

kind of?
I don’t think it’s as common as some people here will say but it does happen more then most people would want to admit.

there are plenty of heroes who are annoying if you have no real answer, and that’s the downside of Quick Match is that you are likely to ave some games where your team gets hard countered like playing a stitches on the enemy team and you have no answer.
that said Stitches does have his counters , most notably dive heroes as he himself doesn’t have nearly as much hard and easier to land CC in the melee range then say Johanna which means if your entire team is close to him he cna’t do as much to really protect the rest of the team if you all go in close before he can isolate someone.

Because they are OK with trying new things and doesn’t make them a “Bandwagoner”. I played Doom Eternal for 50 hours and shelved after one playthrough. It was worth every penny and more. It got the praise it deserved.

I left WoW cause it’s not a good game anymore. FFXIV has been around for a while and I wished I left WoW sooner. WoW has lost a lot of respect for the players playing their game.

There are many reasons people moved from WoW to FFXIV.

Congrats. Your attitude is what I was speaking about. You don’t want to understand when given many different explanations. It’s doesn’t even matter if you do. You’re stuck on Blizz games cause of your stocks and deep connnections. This you brought up many times when given an explanation.

You made it personal. You spoke about how deep your connection is to WoW, Blizz and how you don’t want to “Bandwagon” to other games.

There is a difference when someone doesn’t understand and is willing to learn, and those who nod their head saying that they do when they don’t. You’ve made no effort to ask questions to further understand what you’re seeking. You just changed the subject to some other excuse.

Plain and simple as many have told here before: Stitches hook will only count when it hits the circle at the feet. Don’t like it cause it doesn’t hit the model hitbox? Goodbye.


It honestly was about the game and the mechanics in the beginning but then it spiraled into people not getting that I don’t like non model hitboxes and people trying to change my mind. I honestly wish I never made this post in the first place cause I knew I would run into stereotypical gamers who act like a punks on the internet. While I’m not going to openly state real life information, I can say I passby without games or ever interacting with people again because honestly, games are the real world but online and if you hate the real world, why continue in a world that is same but you can leave and live without.

We do get it, but your complaint just doesn’t make any sense. It’s just how it works.

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The internet the real world, both have bad and the good, measure for measure I’m not sure I could rate one worse than the other.

I did reply to you very early in the conversation and suggested if you wanted to play HOTS where people are more accepting and casual you might want to try VS AI or ARAM. Even your dislike of Hitboxes in Blizzard games will be less of a big deal in these modes as they are mostly quite chill and causal.

It’s of course your decision what you do, but I wouldn’t throw away any possible enjoyment you might find with online games simply because of one mechanic or a few bad interactions with players. Best of luck regardless.


I mean I wouldn’t mind playing with you or anyone else. I’m just starting to realize that a majority of the world sucks and will suck against yourself. I know I’m contradicting myself about revealing some real life problems but I just worked 8 days straight no days off and only 30 mins of a break each day and having little to no time to play games it’s really annoying to just have a bunch of losers throw the game and then on top of that run into something that you don’t like. And even on top of that having no one to play anything with makes a majority of games even more unfun and useless. WoW is nice in the sense that not only am I somewhat skilled but you aren’t reliant on people for most things. And before you ask, no I will never play or try final fantasy I am loyal to my games even if they are awful.

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afking is very common when you have an unplayable game.
Hook hitting when it looks like it didnt land is simply because of how bad the hitboxes in the game are. Theyre really rough and precision is not needed. Bigger characters have even larger hitboxes that are often outside their character model.