Need an explanation

Depends on the rank/league you’re playing and since you’re a beginner you will start with other beginners and bad players and this players tends to give up games more often, especially because Hots has a smurf-problem. That means beginners can face other low-level accounts played by veterans that can lead to frustration.

He is not, you just need a bit more practice with dealing him and you will be fine.

in very low tier games yes, this can be common, just win a lot and the game will queue you with better players

that’s what it looks like, but actually if the hook touches your hitbox then it pulls you, sometimes the player is not 100% aware of his own hitbox

Maybe it may seem like it, but it is not so much, besides that the talents at level 10 are about, they have to be powerful

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Every game where you can shoot and miss has Hitboxes. The Hook ability itself has its own Hitbox as well. So there are situations when it might seem like you are “unfairly” caught, but actually everything happend as it should.

Reading your comments, I can think of two things. Play vsAI, so no AFK allies, and you can chill without feeling useless. Or play single players because it seems multigames stress you too much.
Mass Effect is a wonderful game.

Many players who want to play HOTS but desire a more causal experience play ARAM or VS AI exclusively. I don’t personally enjoy VS AI, but there is a very large dedicated base of players that does. If this would be your thing I’d suggest it as most players in this mode are very chill and casual.

The same pretty much applies to ARAM, less mechanics to learn other than hero mechanics and the majority of the people who play the mode don’t take it too seriously.

Meanwhile in my games, the allied or enemy stitches can’t land a hook lol. I haven’t seen stitches in a while.

That’s odd. After his rework I see a lot of Stiches, his appearence increased heavily (not as much as Valla though). Ironically even more than I encountered Mei this season.


I saw him in a couple games, same with raynor, but mostly it’s just valla. Stitches and raynor decreased in frequency after a bit until you don’t really see them anymore. At least I don’t.

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You can’t get easy wins with Raynor vs Valla and the rework didn’t really make Ray play that much more differently. At least for me Raynor has never been a very interesting hero.

Stiches is a very lopsided tank, he can win you a fight straight up but if he doesn’t he’s a lot worse than the other tanks. I would say that you’d be advised best to regard stitches as a lower tier hero that is nieche.

He’s been reworked recently though so he might be playable but definitely not op.

I would just play vs AI but being someone who plays Heals, more specifically an Alexstraza 1 trick, it would be very boring since most of the time I would be useless since bots are usually easy to play against and healing isn’t really needed. I’m just trying to stop playing video games because I don’t find 99% of them to be fun either through me sucking at it, mechanics/characters I don’t like that get played a ton, or it’s a fad game that everyone loses their mind over. WoW is my only and favorite game and more because it’s not hard from a basic standpoint and the hard stuff in WoW isn’t required, and by no means is WoW anywhere near perfect but in my eyes it has more good than bad. My issue with trying to get into games like HOTS and OW, is that if you do not play dps or tank, you’re going to get smashed and constant complaints from people. I can get over stitches eventually even though I’ll hate him even whenever he would ever to receive a nerf but what I can’t handle is people intentionally making the game unplayable.

I can’t argue with you or try to persuade you from feeling that way, as it would also make me a hypocrite into the bargain. People who deliberately seem to take such delight in making what should be a fun game, rendered awful through their deliberate trolling. This has always been the aspect of HOTS that has made me step away for long breaks from a few weeks to over six months at a time.

As you can probably guess I’m a bit of a fan of the game considering my post count, but I can’t and don’t deny the many flaws that come with HOTS. One is the small section of players who choose to ruin games. The only way you can really mitigate that problem is by playing in full groups. Again, I won’t be a hypocrite and tell you that’s easy or convenient to do. I mostly play solo and many of my friends have stopped playing HOTS or don’t play on a regular enough basis where we can have meet for organized five man teams.

Enough of my patter, I wish you the best and hope you find some game or some other activity that brings you some joy.


I mean HOTS itself isn’t bad, I find it 100% more fun then LoL and less unbalanced as Overwatch. It took me 3 games until I quit LoL and wish I was kidding. I just wish there was a way to punish people quicker. I get making 1 report would be abused, but I feel like they should add something like an afk timer and if you do not move at all after like 20 or more seconds then you are kicked from the game and banned from queing for the day and then progress the length of the ban until permanant.

Imo they should block abilities from QM that are not balanced there:

Pyroblast, Triple Tap, lamb to the slaugter etc.

specially at lower mmr they ruin matches and in QM there is nothing you can really do to prevent them getting way too much value unless you play specific heroes that are OP in QM

You can play them in SL

Also some heroes like deathwing are totally unbalanced in QM and you should have an AFK button to press if your whole team also presses then you give up, only for QM obviously.

I dont see why you would be mad at people leaving QM it’s a headless chicken mode for casuals that are hardstuck wood league.

If unranked had shorter queue times I’d not have played a QM since it’s implementation.

I mean I don’t mind a competitive game, I just can’t stand people who just give up. I know stitches hook is part of my reason of quitting HOTS sounds silly, but I never gave up one bit and tried to do something but as a healer it’s pretty hard to turn the game in your favor when it’s a 3v5. I just need a game where people are punished quicker for ruining the game. I’d say afkers are just as bad as hackers, idk if HOTS have hackers or cheaters, because they are pretty much making the game unplayable.

I’d say 0% cheaters/hackers.
Botting in this game is litteraly making your character worse.

I have to ask since I actually met someone here in the forums that did not know about Steam. Do you have this installed on your computer? There are tons of games there to choose from.

Going from your posts, it seems you don’t want to understand why the things happen the way they do. When explained, you shrug and continue on your way.

For example, when people explained how hit boxes work, you ignored it. Roadhog throws a hook at you and somehow you still get hooked. This is because you didn’t dodge it completely and latency. Latency is the biggest culprit for people shouting, “BS” for taking hits. Visually it looked like you dodged it, but when processed and latency is accounted for, you got hooked. The game works in “near” real time.

People explained the Hit Box to you in this game, and yet you still continue on your way. Instead of learning to deal with it once you were given information about it, you still give up cause of past experiences. The circle hit box is the indicator you need to look for when aiming skills, which also show up as indicators on the floor.
Blizz screwed up in this regard, cause if you happen to click on the model, your shot will aim high and miss the hit box.

WoW is not a hard game to grasp and losing your skill won’t happen. It’s not easy to come up with something unique for gaming. Why do you think there are so many remakes of things? I’m surprised you still play WoW going from your complaints. Try FFXIV instead. Take a look at Steam for games that aren’t modern.

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if u dont like to get hooked play a hero like abathur or deathwing
deathwing is permanent unstoppable which makes him immune to hooks while abathur can dodge that mechanic just by staying deeper in the base while relying more on symbiont

If you’re an arena or hardmode player, then it is indeed hard and not many players are good at this modes.

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WoW objectively is not hard and yes classic isn’t this mega difficulty spike that people make it out to be. However, more specifically in Shadowlands, the end mid-high end content does require skill. PvP I will I’m not the best at, but I will say I can hold my ground unlike every other multiplayer game. My specialty is being able to mythic dungeons and PvE content with minimal issues. Now before you ask, I use the worse PvE class/spec in WoW. I can almost guarantee that if I grabbed one of my friends, they all play shooters, they wouldn’t have the patience to learn mechanics and be able to react.

My issue with the the hitboxes is that in WoW you actually get hit with whatever spell or ability. Having a hitbox that isn’t the character model doesn’t make sense to me and I don’t enjoy it.

The reason I will never play another game on steam/play FFIV is that I don’t have any personal connections to steam and steam doesn’t have games I like. My personal connection to WoW is one I’ve played for about 12 years and practically grew up from middle school to college playing it, and I own stock in Blizzard so I won’t support a rival game corporation. The only games I did enjoy on steam were the Huniepop games and it’s not for the obvious reason. I enjoyed because I was able to control everything. I like being control everything rather than being at the mercy of not model hitboxes or latency.

I am extremly confused with you.
Steam doesn’t have games you like? Steam litteraly has every type of game out there.

WoW has TONS of hitboxes that is out of proportion, i would know as i have played it since TBC.
You also don’t get free hits with every spell, you gotta bow to the hitboxes there aswell.
Also you got less controll there as you have to bow to parries, blocks and dodges.
Also crit chances, and let’s not talk about BFA where you had corruption effects that could potentially 1 shot others IF you were lucky, speaking of out of controll.

I am extremly confused as you don’t seem to like games at all, yet you sit here at a HOTS forum? Forums are usually just filled with people that actually enjoy the game to such an extent that they go to the forums to talk with others.