Nazeebo spiders hit way too hard

He also has an entire talent tier dedicated to increasing his Movement Speed. Try again.


mmm that 20% movement speed makes me a bad anduin cus i never use lifegrip again after that.


Where is everyone saying that? Even the posters who think Naz is pretty close to being balanced are calling for a reduction to the slow on Spiders. It’s more the assertion you’re making that Spiders are basically unavoidable. They are a short ranged skill shot that is a DOT. While it might feel too strong in QM without a support or healer, I don’t think the damage needs to be gutted, just slightly and a reduction in their slow.


Indeed, Joseph. In addition they tend to forget that Nazeebo’s abilitys aren’t really full range, but more midrange-ish and he is also very immobile for an assassine. Yeah he can deal a good amount of damage, but since all his ablitys are kinda delayed / slower (toads jumping slow, jar too, wall delayed) and the 2 of 3 talents have rather moderate cooldown, only Frogs are spammable, but the damage can be ignored.

But if a damage nerf is needed, Naz should also get an adjustment for it, maybe faster animation for his abiltiys?

Funfact: Naz has 52% winrate through all ranks with 23k games and 53% in master (2k games). At least stats-wise he seems balanced.


Btw the only reason I still ban Naz sometimes, because after the recent patch he is an fotm hero, but otherwise I don’t really consider him 1st ban material anymore.


Nazeebo is probably the only quick match hero who you can comfortably spam for an entire evening without getting stressed out in any way over team compositions or premades. Basically there is no skill requirement to perform well, it is just brute force which carries you. Although not entirely game breaking as first thought, his talent tree is mostly dysfunctional and is long overdue for some adjustments.


Gotta love being right sometimes. So happy they got nerfed.

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For sure. Being validated by the Developers of the game is the best feeling.

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Was there ever really any doubt Naz’s spiders were going to escape a nerf?


just a minor nerf to spiders i dont think it will change anything, just wait a few days and the whiners will be back asking for more nerfs

It was pretty much guaranteed it was going to be nerfed.

Who will bet he will get more nerfs to Q build in the future.

Yup, like Zagara there will be more nerfs until they make Naz irrelevant like Zag because they can’t be bothered to balance damage as a duelist and pushing power as the kits are outdated.

Darling, when Tooton has the most likes you know you’re on the wrong side of the argument.

Spiders should hit harder, Nazz’a is an assassin, fools.

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Judging by the fact that the original post only got 2 updoodles, I’d say most people didn’t want the nerf.


People can agree with you wihout giving out likes. Why you need a like from someone just to fell heard ?

Its like the Instagram culture. People fishing out like from people just to fell validated by the world.


Remove slow from spiders and change the lvl 7 talent to spawn 3+2 instead of 4+1.
Zombie build with Dead Rush could be made more attractive if it had that movement slow.
Frogs could generally use a faster animation, seemed to work wonders for Deckard and Lili.

What Nazeebo excels at is poking from distance, by leading spiders to secondary targets. This always results with a net gain seeing that the enemy hero takes damage and both of your bars slowly start to climb up.

Ice Block is extremely dominant because it prevents gap closers (Illidan, Butcher, Tyrael) or even completely drops other threats such as Qhira. The other issue with it is how it blocks all damage while allowing spiders to heal you at the same time. If you ask me, a simple copy of Nova’s Ghost Protocol could achieve the very same effect, while not completely overshadowing other talents on the tier.

Level 16 options revolve around damage and two are a solid choice, but Soul Harvest splits that effect into bonus health and spell power so you end up with a mediocre damage improvement which you can gather only at specific places, and doesn’t stack up well directly against enemy players. The HP boost is nice but you don’t really need it. The best possible alternative to dealing damage is preventing big heals such as Palm or Ancestral at a crucial moment, which is exactly that this talent should do.

I updoodle what I agree with. I’ve never been on instagram, twitter, tik tok, or any of those other rubbish sites.

And no, I don’t need updoodles to feel heard, I can post any topic up here, serious or not, and I’ll get dozens of responses. (Though it is odd how my more troll posts get waaaaay more attention than my serious ones. It’s almost as if people enjoy conflict and controversy instead of serious discussions. Negativity sells better.)

Nazeebo hits hard… in a different way :laughing:

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