Nazeebo spiders hit way too hard

finally nazebo has a usefull skill, leave him alone, he needed that buff


They love to buff abilities that removes effort from the player. It’s the easiest fix for them to boost the pickrate of a hero.

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Theyre strong sure but he is slow. Slow is sh… fast is always better, cc is better burst is better.
He is strong in qm where comps are as… and you often have no healer.
Was it needed, maybe not i dont know. Perhaps considering he was just another slow F tier character.

y’all keep complaining about Spiders when it’s just a gimped Hungering Arrow that doesn’t prioritize Heroes, can’t be reset with Vault, is an actual skillshot, and deals far less damage in comparison. And yet, Hungering Arrow still continues to be spared from the nerfbat after Valla’s megabuffs, and for some reason we’ve all forgotten about this beacuse “oh no I died to Spiders at 25% I mean 100% health once!”

Also as others have said, it’s Naz’s only PvP ability and you have to build for it. Spiders are fine. A re-work would be better. Vile Infection SHOULD be baseline.


That’s not the point of this thread. Valla Q build needs a nerf as well but in this thread Nazeebo is the topic. For Valla there are already 100 threads out there you can search for.

I don’t want to see Nazeebo buffed into a 1-trick pony… because eventually, it will get nerfed anyways.

I want to see him balanced, with options to play Spiders, Toads or anything in between. I totally agree with everything SigylVanz and Minky have said about how to rework him.

I’m a level 140 Nazeebo and I’m not a big fan of this recent change/rework at all. I think Naz still needs a lot of work and while the change to Blood Ritual addressed part of it, the Spider’s being over-tuned and carrying his win % is awful for Nazeebo in the long run.

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they r over tuned against stationary practice targets which dont use skills, i wont deny that some players behave like those…but i dont htink we should use that as a ceiling for measuring


yea the spider damage is to high especially late game its more damage than ults, its literally OP vs slow heroes but if your tracer or genji its nothing because your so extremely mobile that the spiders miss their attacks and top of these mobile heroes who are getting alot of self healing these days which isnt needed.

the problem i think is the damage on spiders needs to be nerf period, because the 30% slow added in for the spiders makes it so the spiders hit more often, i remember before the buffs when spiders still did pretty much good damage but only good vs azmodan or DW cause they’re slow anyways and take most of the spider hits.

This is a problem though for a hero who is an Assassin, you don’t want a situation where his Q can only damage a hero with a large hitbox or a very immobile hero. I think the slow on spiders should be around 15% and earned when you complete the quest. The damage is only slight too high for an assassin who has his strengths, but inherent weaknesses such as a lack of mobility.

His damage is all DOT too, so unlike burst mages, it can be healed, as I keep saying, healers still exist in HOTS.

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3500 dmg over 5 sec were the first 1,5 sec is unavoidable cause of the slow.
The slow need a nerf and his Q quest need a nerf.

Having a spell that does more dmg then ults does will always be broken.

Agreed, they could reduce the slow to around 15% and the slow be a conditional part of completing his quest, not just given to him baseline for picking it.

Yes I think needs some adjustments but it’s funny watching poison pool wall + spiders at 200+ Stack.

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I really feel they could’ve adjusted the scaling quest better than simply giving you more damage per stacks. Like what they did to her W quest. Or maybe make it like Butcher where after a set amount of stacks, the amount of bonus damage gained per stacks drop significantly

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Voodoo Ritual stacks don’t affect damage. The only number that matters is 175, and ONLY if you took Vile Infection (cause that’s how many stacks you need to get it). All stacks do otherwise is increase max health and mana (6 hp/1 mana per stack).

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Everyone says that its so easy to get away from the spiders, you just move.

But I see Jainas and Anduins all the time getting one shotted by a Q late game or losing almost all of their health while running the entire time.

I think the spider build at the moment is just another case of extremely broken agaisn’t heroes that can only run, and pretty bad against heroes with Dashes/teleports.

Overall, a pretty bad experience for players.

All of the sudden Anduin forgot how to heal! And Jaina has iceblock if she takes a full jar. She can also go for either ice barrier or blink as well if she’s really struggling with spiders.


Apparently any defensive talents, plus supports and healers no longer exist in this argument. While I agree the Spiders are hitting slightly too hard, people seem to be forgetting it’s a DOT so it gives you time to react to it and that Nazeebo is supposed to be an assassin.


Did you know that Anduin has to stay still to heal?

And that staying still makes spiders do way more damage?

If you are going to start throwing sass around to valid complains at least don’t use bad counter examples.


Wait, he has only one heal now?


Yes, Anduin is my favorite healer. Did you know you can stand still and cast your heal faster than spiders can deal their full damage? Did you know you have other healing abilities aside from Q? Did you know you can also AA Naz (he’ll be in range cus jar has low range) and HEAL from the AAs? WOW!!