Nazeebo Mini Rework


  • Voodoo Ritual (Trait)
    • Basic Attacks can now apply Voodoo Ritual’s damage to Heroes.


  • Level 1
    • Thing of the Deep
      • New functionality: Increase the range of Wall of Zombies and Nazeebo’s Basic Attacks by 15%.
  • Level 4
    • Hexed Crawlers
      • Removed
    • New Talent: Sinister Ingredients
      • Regeneration Globes grant 3 stacks of Voodoo Ritual, and restore 50% more Health and Mana.
    • Blood Ritual
      • New functionality: Nazeebo heals for 10% of his damage dealt to Heroes.
  • Level 7
    • Dead Rush
      • New functionality: Increase the Attack Range of Wall of Zombies’s Zombies by 75%. Nazeebo’s Basic Attacks reduce the cooldown of Wall of Zombies by 1.5 seconds.
  • Level 13
    • Guardian Toads
      • New functionality: Gain 20 Physical Armor while Nazeebo has Toads active. Hitting an enemy Hero with Plague of Toads increases this bonus to 60 Physical Armor for 2 seconds.
    • Ice Block
      • Removed
    • New Talent: Spirit Walk
      • Activate to become Invulnerable and unable to attack or use Basic Abilities, but gain 50% movement speed for 0.75 seconds. 70 second cooldown.
  • Level 20
    • Fury of the Storm
      • Removed
    • New talent: Haunt
      • Basic Attacking an enemy causes them to emit 3 spirits that seek out other nearby enemies, dealing 150% of Nazeebo’s Basic Attack damage and applying Voodoo Ritual to any enemies hit. Can only occur once every 8 seconds.

I like it, But i still think 13 is still a must pick for invulnerable.

Physical armor or just small armor cannot compete with invulnerable.

personally i think they should get rid of invulnerable on him and give him spell armor physical armor and maybe move speed per toad hit.

Last thing is Blood ritual may be a bit too strong, but i cant be sure sure i guess it’s fine. i imagine blizzard can balance the number side of it pretty well.

Other that that i love it and these changes might not make him meta, but would help him get a little boost.

Good job Hail

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As someone who’s a level 80 Naz… Lets take a balanced hero and make it OP… Please…


I like the ideas, especially things like replacing Ice Block, which doesn’t fit with his character at all. Could potentially use some number tweaking, but wouldn’t necessarily make him OP. The new, more powerful Zombie Wall build is a nice touch.

Dunno about balanced. He is definitely a lower tier hero right now.

What I’m suggesting doesn’t buff his late game so he instawins at 20 like old nazeebo. I think he mainly needs a slightly stronger early game so as not to be such a liability.

I don’t think voodoo ritual applied to heroes via autos would be much of a problem. The rest of this is just replacing generic talents and trying to beef up his build diversity a little.

I am not opposed to tweaking numbers on the talents if they are too good

stay away from my spiders


I like this… A lot.
Maybe I’m biased because I run a Haunt build on Witch Doctor in Diabble 3.

I wanna bully the peasants out of my lane more easily.

Originally, Zeebos trait was applicable to heroes. And the 20 lvl upgrade just increased the damage by +200%.

And then the nerfs hit.

Ok, just why?

He is a good hero. The only thing I would change:
Thing of the Deep
Spider Colony
These two talents are too weak compared to the others.


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spiders was the weaker build vs toads so it is fine with me

Nazeebo is perfectly balanced right now, so I doubt he needs any mini rework, a few talent re-functionality would be good however.

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Haven’t played Nazeebo enough to really determine if these are good ideas or not. But:

Absolutely love that talent name.

That sounds OP, but I wouldn’t mind him having it because Nazeebo doesn’t have any AA love (until lvl 20 at least) while seemingly every other mage in the game does

bs By giving stacks from globes you make his late game come EARLIER. what makes Nazeebo tough isn’t just his poison, its the fact that HIS MANA, AND HIS HEALTH scale over the course of the game. Make that cheap and you make him a high hit pool hero that never runs out of mana and just stays on the field dealing DOT damage.

Yeah nothing OP about that at ALL not one bit. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That design is :poop::balance_scale: poop balance

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Making a skillshot mage less skillshot reliant, therefore easier to play?

Removing the things which made you frustrated when you played against him?

Making a lane sustain talent a lifeleech?

Making the best globe talent which also removes the need for skill to complete Vile Infection in time?


Overall I dislike this “mini” rework.
You make him easier to play, you destroy some of my favourite talents (Dead Rush, Blood Ritual, Guardian Toads).

And why? Dunno, since you explained nothing about why he needs these changes. Because we should never do changes just for the sake of changes. Just because “I’d like it this way more”.

What are the Naz problems you try to address with these changes?


No. It gives him a little damage boost and rewards him for playing more aggressively

I gave ice block a replacement because it is a generic talent that doesn’t fit his flavor at all.

I don’t see how I’m supposed to be frustrated by hexed crawlers. I haven’t seen anybody pick that talent since spider build got nerfed. Big voodoo is basically auto pick at that tier.

How is free dot on AA with increased AA range “more aggressive”? Let’s give Hanzo or Genji increased AA range and call it “more aggressive”.

Doesn’t look like autopick to me. Sure, it is the most picked (and therefore least successful) talent.
(Hotslogs filters: diamond+ SL since May.)


It gives him a reason to auto attack. Hanzo and genji already auto attack.

It’s like ice fury wand to some extent

The reason is… it’s safe now and has a lot of extra dmg?

There is always a reason to AA with every Hero. No matter how low their AA is. It’s extra free dmg and it’s part of the skill to learn how to deal the most AAs without getting into trouble.

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If you go W build it is safer as you use autos for CDR. W build has needed some buffs for a while now anyways

I would hardly call 60-70 dmg over 6 seconds “a lot”