My idea to rework Tassadar's rework

So Tassadar has been a favorite of many as of late

Some including me do miss what he used to be like but I understand why he is more of a Ranged Assassin now

But he needs to go back to being a Support rather than a full damage dealer because it’s raining Ranged Assassins already and there are not enough Support heroes

My suggestions are simple and will touch very few things in Tassadar’s currently amazing kit:

  • W is now Hallucination

Tassadar can make copies of himself or allied heroes that do no damage and but can pretend to attack or channel objectives

Hallucinations are fully controllable by Tassadar

  • Psionic Storm is now a heroic ability

The area is much larger and dangerous akin to the Psionic Storm Tassadar has in StarCraft

Psionic Storm can compete with Black Hole for Crowd Control VS RAW UNADULTERATED RIDICULOUS AREA DAMAGE!

The Psionic Storms generated by Shock Ray and Basic Attacks need not be changed and can remain as they are with them now being called cute-mini-psionic-storms instead

  • Archon is now a GAME-CHANGING level twenty situational talent!

I can honestly say that Archon Tassadar’s appearance is boring

It needs to be reworked to how Archons looked like in StarCraft

But that is the least of my problems with it

Archon is situational because it requires another Protoss hero to merge with and abilities and appearance will vary accordingly

Artanis - Archon

Zeratul - Dark Archon

Fenix - Cyber Archon(With the current appearance Archon has now in HOTS)

Alarak - Sadistic Archon

Archons last until killed after the merging is complete

Only one Protoss hero can merge with Tassadar at a time

Only the first Protoss hero that attempts to merge with Tassadar will be able to(Just like two heroes trying to take Dragon Knight on Dragon Shire)

Attempting to merge takes at least five seconds of chanelling and may be cancelled and interrupted

Twenty more seconds is needed for: “THE MERGING IS COMPLETE!”

Both heroes die together just like Cho’gall upon Archon being killed

Both heroes are helpless and have very little health in the Archon rift created while merging and may be killed prematurely

The players that merge with Tassadar are given control of the Archon’s unique and amazing abilities while the Tassadar player is given control of movement along with basic attacks and abilities

This level twenty talent if added will be POWER OVERWHELMING!

Since DrLogan really wants Shields I have decided that Plasma Shield with the lifesteal should be a situational talent at level one

I would also like to add that Archon’s health will be VERY LOW and will have a ridiculously strong FAST regenerating SHIELD for protection

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I’m not sure if this is a joke thread, but if this is your honest opinion and ideas to rework Tassadar I must say these are quite terrible ideas.


I like Archon making part :man_shrugging:

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It is not

So now you CAN be sure

What makes it terrible exactly?

Did you confuse the word “Terrific” with “Terrible”?


I’m honestly surprised you think your ideas are good. Whatever you think is fine for you, but be sure any of your ideas are bad for this game and for Tassadar’s gameplay in general. I’m honestly too tired to explain each point, hopefully someone else will tell you why.



Hopefully someone with a more open mind than you

Gl hf.

Get good rest. If you will be able to explain your opinion later, I can wait.


What Sadius really means to say is:

That’s a negative.
0/10 for a rework.
10/10 for a troll making me read through part of it before getting to this.


My plan worked XD

Seriously though I fully believe Tassadar should go back to being a Support hero closer to his lore while retaining his current damage and Shock Ray

Being able to turn into an Archon on his own simply does not fit either as it always requires two Protoss Templar to merge in StarCraft

Why is the Archon idea bad?


Tell me why

Heroes of the Storm is known for unique and groundbreaking ideas like Cho’gall

So why would Tassadar having Archon at level twenty with similar functionality as Cho’gall be bad?

Because having a talent that’s useless unless you have a very specific hero on your team from a subset of four is ridiculous. Also, that’s an ungodly amount of work for something that’s not even that useful. You gotta draw the line, when you’re making five models for one ability per skin.

I would be on board if he could merge with any hero (obviously losing the combo appearance). That might be a cool ability. Not for Tassadar since his kit is fine, but maybe for a new Support like Rohana. It wouldn’t have to be a 20 either - it could just be the 10 in that case.


Why Rohana? Asides archon there is no other protoss abiilitie that’s about combine heroes. That idea might work with a nexus original but not with Rohana.

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Because I want Rohana in the game. It was a subtle plug.

Also, they’ve done weirder mixed abilities. Giving a fusing Archon to Rohana isn’t too out there, especially if she would be a Support and considering it’s an iconic Protoss ability.

Well being able to transform into an Archon solo is something I find even more ridiculous

Abathur’s attack speed talent at four is also highly situational and works well only with a select amount of heroes so your point is moot

It would just not fit in well with the lore in such a case but it can be done

Rohana has never been a High or Dark Templar

Only those can become Archons

Going ridiculously far for just one talent shows dedication and passion

Just imagine how much work went into Cho’gall

If people decided that it was too much work and just gave up where would we be now?

Cho’gall cannot even be played solo after all and he still exists and is amazing too

Tassadar is iconic and is easily the most memorable character in the original StarCraft

He deserves more love

Archon needs to be POWER OVERWHELMING!

Yes we get that

And I am not against her being in it

She is nice and would make a fine hero here

But Archon should be for Tassadar and not her

There is even a Tassadar/Zeratul Archon unit in the StarCraft Editor which means it was almost a thing


It also is mechanically extremely simple and requires literally zero extra work from the HotS team to implement. There is also a difference between “situationally useful with certain heroes” and “literally 100% actually factually useless with 84 heroes”.

Gameplay > lore. That’s why Archon works how it does. It’s mechanically a fun ability that’s both useful and still flavourful. You don’t need to overcomplicate gameplay to placate lore.

Nope, it shows stupidity and wasting resources.

Yes, work for a character. Not a small sub-ability of one singular heroic.

Fenix uses Dragoon and Stalker abilities. Tyrande uses hunter and druid abilities.

On a larger scale, character who have never fought like Deckard, Abathur, and Probius use largely meta-referential kits that pay homage to their home universes. I could see the same for Rohana.


Well that is almost the case when you give Malfurion attack speed instead of Illidan

And as I said before the talent can be made to work with other heroes as well so you can get on board with that right?

Cho’gall and Deathwing were a waste of resources too then

Along with all the unique brawl modes like racing on a rocket

Maps that almost none of the playerbase got to play for long but enjoyed a lot

Sometimes fun is more important than resources

Not everything has to be about efficiency

Archon will no longer be a Heroic Ability

Just a very powerful and unique Storm Talent

His Heroic Abilities will be Black Hole and Psionic Storm

Fenix was in a Dragoon and Stalkers are mechanical as well

Being able to combine both is not unbelievable

Which ability belongs to the druid?

Lunar Flare?

Well Deckard carrying items around is believable

Putting people to sleep with words is a power that even you and I have

Abathur being able to do what he does also does not go against any established lore

And Probius summoning Pylons and Photon Cannons are exactly what Probes do in StarCraft

Probes even have the same Basic Attack!

The same cannot be said for someone who is not even a Templar gaining Archon which is the ultimate ability of a Templar and where a Templar’s path comes to an end, because becoming an Archon means you die in lore and is irreversible

Here is your Rohana being cute:

Give him back his shield, his stealth escape, and his 4 second wall cooldown at 20.

Thats the only rework that would suffice.

Yeah, there is absolutely no world where the devs would do the whole “protoss only” thing. Both for art and design reasons. But I do think the whole two-person ult thing is cool and fits the ult better than it does now.


No uniqueness for an ult.

Absurd. This is impossible to balance.