My HOTS is 60 gb big :(

my Hots files are taking up to mush space on my cumputer and i wonder when it update dose it not erase old patch, just leave them on my cumputer or are Hots so big?

sorry for y bad englisch, i hope u understands it :slight_smile:

ps i have a mac if that can be a problem

Hello melvin,

As the game patches it will grow in size, so this is expected. Also if you watch replays from old versions of the game it will have to download/use the old patch data, so this can increase the size as well.

The fix here is to just uninstall and reinstall the game through the Blizzard app. That will bring down the install size by a lot. :slight_smile:

thx that works :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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