Moved to LoL...(thanks for the ban guys : )

in league you can get 1 shot by a single champ… so yes he’ll definitely have a lot of fun getting 1 shot from 100 to 0 in a 1v1 dying in less than a second

also i dunno but this could be the same person that made a thread about Forced 50% winrate? he’s called “Rage” and this one “RageMan” maybe…

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Reading the OP, all I can think is, “And nothing of value was lost.”


Yeah; funny, that…

I’m glad that this is your experience so far, but Google toxicity in League.

This is blatantly false. Maybe you are only asking for help in suicidal situations?

Is that anything like, “tell ppl they are being morons”?

THIS! This irritates me when people spam help and they engaged an enemy, are already below half, then get upset when they die because “omg, where was the help???” like… ping beforehand, not during.

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best part is my friend calls people morons all the time and he’s not banned or silenced and he plays solo. so this guy clearly said more than just “morons” and he did it repeatable in so many games to result in 1 month ban. love this type of people who act like a victim


That would require macro gameplay and watching the mini-map. :laughing:

LoL gets a bad rap but its honestly no where near as bad as people say it is. The community is somehow better in my experience despite all the negative stories and the feeding/afk group is also 10000000000000000x smaller than HOTS. ITs sad that I like HOTS more than LoL but more than ever this community is deff pushing its limits.


good riddance to bad rubbish. we’re really gonna miss someone named “RageMan”.


imagine naming your account RageMan and complaining about being banned for being toxic :joy:


Have fun when teams give up on game that are absolutely winnable but people want to chicken out because they were not having a good game


I wanna point out, from a gameplay design perspective: Pretty much all of this is just them throwing in the towel and mixing support with anything else to make it workable.

Dedicated supports are awful in LoL. Everything has to side-spec into a different role. There’s no Anduin or Ana or anything of the sort.


Dont worry I am headed to LOL as well cause i am sick of the broken ranked matchmaking and even more broken report/punishment system. A punishment should never be based on number of reports and we all know blizzard does not even review them so.

As far as ranked, I dunno what drugs someone was on to think that matched randoms with premades was a good idea.

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it’s based on number of reports in a relatively short time frame. if you got banned, 99% chance you deserved it. stop whining here about it, you’ve been whining nonstop about this for a week.

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Nah its not, cause it never resets. I have tested it on several alt accounts. its a static number that never goes down. Once it hits a certain number, you get a punishement.

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Your post is just a bunch of myopic bellyaching, but let’s butter a different slice of bread here.

I too moved to League recently since they actually update and have game modes besides just ARAM in their RGM(their version of brawls), and because HotS is getting to a point where even in bot games players are just hungering for a fight.

Meanwhile in League I’d say it’s only every seven games I get someone who’s nasty but you know? They play, even if it’s not to the style I would, they still play. I’m lucky to pick up a single game in HotS now without problems unless I just grab a full party. Usually someone just leaves the game if they want to totally bone their team, or they just int hard. Iguess I knew this part of the game’s unlife would come, but it’s still quite sour for me no less.

OP being part of the problem notwithstanding, has anyone noticed player quality taking a noticeable dive lately or am I just so unlucky?

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I haven’t noticed any difference in my QM games. you’re probably just on an unlucky toxic streak.

Well I also swerve on QM or draft without a team, the latter of which I imagine will suffer less in general. Could be a brawl problem too? That’s where I always notice the worst kinds.

Let it not go unsaid that League players are still toxic when they wanna be, too, of course. OP may be leaving out that impression.

Aw yes LOL, a game as timed honored and fun as execution by hanging.


You can’t run away from yourself.
I guess you get also bans in LoL.

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