Moved to LoL...(thanks for the ban guys : )

The only thing I find appealing about LoL is the fact that there are 100-something heroes to explore.

Of course, any desire to try the game is almost immediately crushed by the thought of farming a lane for 20 minutes, last-hitting and getting 5v1ed by an enemy smurf.


Atleast Hots does not follow the same path as Lol, Dota and Smite does. They all offers items you can buy to make your hero stronger for gold and rewards individual skill more. But Hots is a game that enforce you to play as a team and not as an individual as many want these days.

The heroes are also well balanced not like in the other games were alot of op heroes remains op for months or even years without any nerfs. And on top of it Blizzard care more about your personal account protecton then LOL does.

In LOL you have high risk of getting hacked or get your credit card options stolen cause LOLs server protection is made of paper.

And if you get false reported that lead to a ban then good luck trying to get your account back cause the company does not care and wont help you.

Well good luck in your travels OP. I’m sure someone has said it already, but someone calling themselves “RageMan” it somehow didn’t surprise me you got a suspension.

So they never give suspensions in LoL? I don’t remember it that way, but enjoy.

it’s just the truth. calling a monkey monkey is not offensive!

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Just want to point out that despite having this option 8/10 times in ranked people don’t surrender because they would rather play out the game in hopes they can turn things around. Its a common misconception for people that don’t have many hours on LoL to think that this occurs rather often but in reality its pretty rare at least for ranked.

Common QM games I would say the 15m surrender happens once every 20 games and the 20min surrender happens every 10 games all other matches normally go on as normal.

I would say people give up more in HOTS and AFK more often then people surrender in LoL. But you all think that’s more viable that a FF option so to each their own I guess. TBH I prefer not to waste my time dealing with afk trolls but that’s just me.

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At least for azmodan it’s not about him killing them
He gets credit for the kill if it occurs within 1 second of the minion dying

Yes. Many, many games have had people gg 5 minutes in and we went on to win.

RageMan, raged, got reported to the point of being banned. Huh, why did he think it would’ve gone any other way?

Should’ve named his profile, “CantBeBanned”

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Calling people morons :slight_smile:

Wondering why banned :slight_smile:

mom is this troll? :slight_smile:

Imagine switching to LoL in 2020 when Dota is available.

The only reason to ever play LoL is because you’ve been playing it for a decade and you are invested in your progress.

Dota is too hard for me

League has the right amount of competitiveness/mechanics that allow players of all skill to have fun

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Genuinely would love to play League if it weren’t for items. Still remains the main thing that turns me away each time I try it.

What’s so bad about items? One optimal build path? Some characters have that but many don’t.

Last hitting to get gold for items? Can’t help you there except saying to play support

The only thing that keeps me from coming back to LoL is last hitting (and the jungle meta, probably). It’s mind-numbing to do it for 20+ minutes. If they took that out, I’d probably jump ship in a heart beat. I only play HotS because of friends.

Almost went back in season 8.

No love to being a support main? They play similarly to HOTS where they focus on poking the enemy through basic attacks and abilities rather than focusing on the wave. Now high elo supports set up their adc to farm the lane faster if that’s the right play but in general in low elo you can get away with zoning the enemy team.

I like supports more in HotS. The general gameplay design is better for a variety of reasons, but I’m not very interested beyond games with friends. I accumulated 233 friends on League of Legends, many of whom I dearly miss playing with.

Really, the true deathknell for LoL at the time I stopped was the visual rework. It was atrocious, and it’s still awful. There is still only one map that matters.

Further keeping me from returning is that my main has been reworked into something utterly ridiculous from a gameplay standpoint, and about the only ADC I enjoyed when I tried to return was Draven. Gameplay is still very slow, and I would scarcely describe last hitting as methodical, like many like to do. The jungle meta became completely stupid, where invasions weren’t something that mattered so much as stealing the minion in the river. That literally became the whole meta and Riot was like, “Yeah. This is the best design we’ve ever had.”

LoL’s gameplay is much more linear in design, and teamfights can usually be determined in seconds in a sequence of burst. I don’t know if that’s changed since season 5, but it sure felt like it hadn’t. While trying to get back into it, I kept getting 100-0’d by a Zoe(?) 2 levels under me under tower from two full screens away. So the game was a little ridiculous, but I still have a ton of friends that play, and even more that do ARAMs all of the time. I wouldn’t mind re-learning the metas; I came from DotA, so LoL is universally an easier game due to lacking a denial and true micro system.

League was fun in 2010.

Hots was fun in 2015.

We are in 2020.

League peaked in 2015 for me. I’ll keep trying it out but ehhh too much mobility and damage creep

You do know League itself also has issues concerning reports, especially those of afk/intentionally feeding/abusive chat?

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