Someone on a stream wrote a cool idea for Artanis: Once you get 40 Seasoned marksman stacks, you get the Zealot charge ‘‘Increase Twin Blades’ charge distance by 100%’’. Would that be OP? I feel like it could give some competition to the popular Amateur opponent talent.
Seasoned marksman is usually completed in the late game so it shouldn’t be too OP.
But it may require some tinkering with the treshold + new talent to replace it.
They are competitive enough in pickrate (Amateur is the most picked, but the other two choices aren’t ultra low.)
And same in winrate from the data we have.
All this would do is force players to take that if they wanted Zealot Charge range. Which would make me want to play Artanis less as it would give me less build choices, unless you also still had Zealot charge range at some higher level… At which point why in the world put it on a level 1 quest?
It takes forever to get your 40 stacks. And Artanis isn’t a hero who can stick to his targets. So the value of higher attack speed is low.
I hate that talent.
Yeah, if even a single knockback hits you, you are off your target. I don’t understand why they put this generic talent on Artanis.
On a hero like Raynor or Falstad it is completely different because they attack from far away.
The Zealot charge would help with exactly that.
It’s kinda fast on some maps though
Volskaya, Spider map for example.
I sometimes think Artanis could use another talent at lvl 1, one that does something completely different than others (more universal)… Templars Zeal?
Would you like a talent like “If you attack same target x times, you swap him”?
Well, you would be very close (melee range) so it would be more annoying than threatening.
In general? It sounds funny, why not. It could look cool, more cinematic melee fight you see in movies.
In this particular case? No, another AA talent (kinda E, but still AA heavy). Im rather looking for something that moves him away from solo lane/single target damage/AA. Unfortunately thats basically Q only. Q talent that lets you bounce of an enemy, changing direction, and refreshing the lenght of Q could be cool as well and very gamechanging for him. I go wild here, but I really miss something that changes the way he plays, somehow.
On tomb of the spider queen, you take amateur opponent to destroy structures when you push with the objective, and melt the Web weavers when your opponent gets them. S. Markman has no value in comparison.
I wouldn’t pick Artanis on Volskaya.
Wanna something stupid?
“If you hit 3 targets by Q - you swap them all”
Best talent /s
Yeah, we’ve been asking for this for a while. It’d be a great way to make both talents’ effects actually worthwhile, since Seasoned Marksman is used exclusively for the extra damage and Zealot Charge makes for a pretty wimpy level 20 talent as it is. Hopefully the devs are at least looking into it.
It’s so short too. 3 seconds is practically worthless 90% of the time, since you’ll rarely get anything beyond one extra attack out.
This was on Fan’s stream last night when he was playing Artanis in SL.
Here’s my rendition of the new talent with Zealot Charge implemented:
Repeatable Quest: Every Minion killed near you grants 0.25 (buffed from 0.2) Basic Attack damage and every Heroic Takedown grants 1 (buffed from 0.5) Basic Attack damage.
[NEW] Reward: Upon gaining 30 bonus Basic Attack damage, Twin Blades’ charge distance is increased by 100%.
The quest requires at maximum 120 minions killed or 30 Hero kills to gain the reward. By picking this talent, you gain extra damage and increased stickiness.
Zealot charge should be a 13 or 16 talent.
Tying it to marksman would make it mandatory and i don’t like that.
This idea has been floated around for a while, and while it would make Season Marksman more attractive, I don’t think it would still be as strong as Amateur Opponent, as that is the main reason you draft Artanis in the first place. Instead of giving him Zealot Charge, another option would be to have the quest reward reduce the CD on Twin Blades (W). Instead of longer charges, he would have more frequent charges, and there would be synergy with later talents. It might even make Triple Strike feel like less of a trap pick.
Hell no. Even if he weren’t fictional, a 9 foot tall, telepathic, fully armed and armored alien would be terrifying.
Hehe, girls and boys have different thoughts after all.