The hero who needed nerfs got buffs but anyway lets talk about mindcontoll
The added buff gives 3 stacks
Which is okayish
The problem is that it still doesnt compete with the arrow, ive tried playing it in ranked but when I hitted someone with mindcontroll I was already putting stacks on it.
I think it is intended if you use it for longer range but the ultimate moves too slow for that. It is best used for the first half of its range.
I dont know about you guys but everyone who isn close to me already has stacks on them. So the buff maybe gives one stack as an “advantage” but her att speed is already fast especially with Q build
This promotes a defensive sniping playstyle which is odd
Mind Control used to be niche but fairly strong, actually.
Perhaps all they need to do just to double the projectile speed of Mind Control. It’s a freakin’ ultimate. There are more reliable basic ability CCs out there.
It’s single target anyways.
What is another awful about MC now that medallions are a thing… She has a very clear 1 second cast time before it starts channeling where a sound effect plays and she stays in place.
You can completely negate the incoming ult with Gladiators Medallion and put it on full cd.
1s is a pretty long cast time, it doesn’t require superhuman reflexes.
But, if she fires a very good Wailing Arrow into 3-5 enemies, she could burn all their medallions at once (plus deal some guaranteed damage) even if they managed to self-cleanse in time.
The mind controlled target should just automatically cast his damage abilities on his allies and then count as an enemy to them. They should not cast ults of course and if they would have heals then those would be cast on your team instead. This way you really would turn an enemy into a mind controlled, confused hero.
You can’t really compare a silence effect where the player keeps full control of his character against something that takes it away. Highly situational yes, but not completely useless.
To make it better I’d add a miniscule DOT (1 dmg per tick) for the duration of mind control which would maybe help spread the Dagger effect to other targets without additional input from Sylvanas. You know, sort of a play on Festering Wounds spreading technique. It’s a big cooldown so it wouldn’t be imbalanced.