My idea for Huln Highmountain

Here is my idea for Huln Highmountian.

I’m just copy pasting from hero and skin suggestion forums

I will not include numbers or talents, so feel free to give tuning and talent suggestions

Huln Highmountain

Role: Bruiser/Support

Trait: Totems
Huln places a totem, which rotates whenever he uses it
Totem 1: Skyhorn totem
The Skyhorn totem increases armor and move speed to all allied heroes in its area
Totem 2: Rivermane totem
The Rivermane totem increases health and mana regeneration to all allied heroes in its area
Totem 3: Bloodtotem totem: The Bloodtotem totem increases attack damage and speed to all in its area
Q: Eagle Strike
An eagle strikes out to an enemy hero or structure, dealing light damage and giving them 1 stack of Ohn’ahra’s Mark. Marked heroes have decreased armor and move speed. This has global range and requires vision
W: Highmountain Slash
Huln swings Talonclaw in a wide but not long arc, damaging heroes and adding one stack of Ohn’ahra’s Mark to all enemy heroes hit.
E: Blessing/Curse of Malorne
Heal an ally for a little and make them unstoppable for 1.5 seconds (Blessing)
Apply one stack of Ohn’ahra’s mark and root an enemy for 1 second (Curse)
R1: Skyhorn Rider
Target an enemy hero
After a short delay, summon a giant eagle to pick up and fly the target to a place of your choosing
After they arrive, they are stunned and applied one stack of Ohn’ahra’s Mark
R2: Chosen of Eche’ro
Similar to Muradin avatar, gain a moderate amount of health and attack damage, and gain an aura that applies Ohn’ahra’s mark to any and all enemies within it

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i love your idea of totems, they are a great idea from wow, kind of like how cool it would be if they would add a summoner warlock from wow like Wilfred Fizzlebang that could summon demons.

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Do you know if the totems should be timed or not?

Is the Q too much like Rexxar’s spirit swoop to you?

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i am not too sure but i wouldn’t mind abilities being similar that much

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Any talent suggestions or tuning suggestions?

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i am not too familiar with the character to suggest anything too serious, but when i think of talents i always reference the game and universe the character comes from,
For example: in WoW, there’s a feast talent for mages, so if i were to think of a mage, i’d consider giving him the ability to add feast to his arsenal as a way of celebrating their uniqueness.

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Gonna bring this back so more can see.

Please respond if you viewed.

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alright, huln highmountain, tauren i believe, did you think about talents yet?

No, I have not.

The totems sound like a great addition. I always wanted a totem-spec Shaman in HotS.

Global point-and-click Q and 1.5 sec unstoppable on his only direct heal seem a bit powerful. It’s like Tyrande’s owl without having to aim a skillshot and Cleanse on a short CD without having to spec for it. He’d have to produce pretty poor healing/damage numbers to make up for the utility those bring.


You bring a good point.

I’ll have to change that.

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